Mothers and Daughters: Charm Bracelet Gift Giving
She may be your baby girl, but with each passing year she’s growing toward womanhood. Before long, you will be celebrating hallmark moments in her life such as a significant birthday, bat mitzvah, a Quinceanera, prom, graduation from college, and beyond. In between, are simple moments in life that deserve special consideration too; straight A’s on the report card, making the basketball team, learning to drive, or simply for being your beautiful girl.
Any parent of a daughter knows the moments are fleeting. You want to capture them forever, but how? And more importantly, you want to give her something that will help her remember those moments as well. For decades, charm bracelets have served as important symbols of a young woman’s life. In the 1950s when a girl turned 13, her parents presented her with a charm bracelet to mark the occasion. She decorated her charm bracelet with charms that represented her hobbies, talents and dreams for the future. When she became a grown woman, the charm bracelet followed her into adulthood, marking her marriage and entrance into motherhood with new charms.
Today’s charm bracelets have come of age, so to speak. While the traditional look of yesteryear can still be found, the Danish-inspired charm bracelets offer a lovely and whimsical touch that will grow up with her. As she reaches new milestones in her life, the charm bracelet can be decorated with interchangeable charms according to her preferences and interests.
Occasions for Giving a Charm Bracelet
Depending on how a young girl cares for her things, parents might consider presenting their daughter with a charm bracelet during her preteen years. Perhaps they choose and more