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Motivated by Tarot – How to Gain Personal Motivation With Tarot

When you’re feeling sluggish, unmotivated, and generally crummy, it’s time to hit the tarot deck. Most people don’t think of the tarot as a tool to boost motivation, but it can be, and a powerful one.

Here are some questions to ask the tarot to get your motivational juices flowing:

* What are the most challenging obstacles facing me right now?

Does this question seem obvious? Some of the most draining challenges you’re dealing with are ones you aren’t even conscious of on a daily basis. Identify them, remove them, and your energy will have less weighing it down.

* If I work hard and accomplish my goals, what will be the outcome?

More than likely you will conjure up cards with images of golden coins, glittery rainbows, and dancing, merry people. Draw a small sketch of your cards and put it somewhere obvious so that you will see it often; this will keep your mind on the rewards of all your effort.

* Who do I know that can help me with my goals?

Tarot often reveals things about people close to us we never knew; use it to find out who you know that has been in the same boat as you and can give you advice and assistance.

Some more tips on using the tarot to increase motivation:

* Pinpoint the goal you’re most focused on right now.

Now, pick out the card from your tarot deck that best illustrates this goal or the benefits of achieving this goal. Take a mental picture of the card and focus on it when you find your motivation waning.

* Map out your plan.

Then, do a daily tarot spread to check your progress. Record your

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Lotus Tarot card readings can show you a fresh perspective on your life.
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