Edit: 600k Views, WOOT. Whilst playing my rogue on Dommhammer, I saw this guy a lot in Tanaris. I was going to ZF and I had FRAPS loaded and he put on a little show for us, so this is what happened xD. He plays 5 accounts on 2 computers. Music: Steam Engenius by Modest Mouse Shaman(s): Quix (every name is a variant of that :P). And uh.. he said he didn’t mind if I put them on YouTube, so….
star was cute
@Baszottbivaly fuck you, steam engenious is a great song
lol, multiboxing sure is fun
1:31 looks like cannabis^^
Sick as
i know who this is Realy
Multi logging and hotkeys?
how do you do that is it a hax
@WookieeCookies ill just get any video of the horde beating the alliance cause alliance suck
1:58 to 2:08 ZOMG
Incredible amount of petty drama in the comments today.
Sounds like some people need to pull sticks from asses and laugh a little. No one cares if you’re an internet tough guy, least of all an internet tough guy posting comments on Youtube.
lol, i always see shamans only multiboxing , nothing other class :/
epic vid but the song sucks tho
@ddrm3 It’s your time wasted, not mine
I don’t really care what you think because plenty of other people seem to enjoy this. I look forward to watching a “better” video made by you, though. 
@WookieeCookies doesnt change the fact its still horrible
niiiiiice hahaha
nice music
@Galaxynewsradio2055 aight
@StabDeadProductions in all serious i was talking to my friend and called him a dumbshit while i was typing and didnt pay attention, rofl sorry dude, but it is shaman
@Galaxynewsradio2055 No reason to be an asshole
@StabDeadProductions shaman is the plural for shaman dumb shit
its not shamans, its shamen
@Baszottbivaly lol its raping your ears
Evil shenanigans!