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travel in the city and trapped us inside with these folks for a few days, my friends and I felt we needed to reserve our opinions about the factual basis of these extraterrestrial revelations. Thus, we nodded diplomatically as Gaston began to unfold his version of the true history of Planet Earth and the cosmology of the universe. I was able to calm my nerves and nausea by reminding myself that I was only there to record and document. As a professional, I shouldn’t get personally involved, I reminded myself.

The essence of Gaston’s presentation was focused on the true nature and meaning of life. He declared, “All beings are, in essence, Spirit. As individualized aspects of the Oneness, people incarnate on Earth—and in other worlds and other dimensions—for the sole (soul) purpose of exploring creation. All beings leave the Unified Field of Consciousness, Oneness, by deliberately buying into the belief of separation and duality, the cosmic play of opposites: the polarities of right and wrong, good and bad, light and dark, up and down, and yin and yang.

“This deliberate forgetting of our connection to the unity of all things in Spirit allows people to create and play in a world of front and back, visible and invisible, and form and essence. The front—visible form—is the universe of physical matter, which you can see, touch, smell, hear and taste. The background—underlying invisible, essence reality—is made of nonphysical energy, which you can contact through multisensory perception.

“The majority of people have yet to open their senses to this more fundamental, causative aspect of life—the nonphysical, vibrational level of reality. This behind-the-scenes energy is primal

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