Question by Vivid Tangerine!: My friend was assigned to do a report on witchcraft, but she is being completely biased about the subject?
Okay, so in my English class we were put into groups to do a report on The Crucible and it’s related topics. Each group has to do a PowerPoint on the topic and our teacher gave us a ‘Starting Point’ website on which to base it on.
My super-Christian friend was assigned to the group doing “Witchcraft through the Ages”. She printed off loads of information from the site my teacher gave them. Today in science class I read it, and it seems horribly biased! Not to mention she is making it even more so!
(Ex. The text says “Torture inflicted on heretics suspected of magical pacts or demon-driven sexual misconduct led to alarming confessions…” She is leaving out the ‘Torture inflicted’ part and only writing the bad stuff!)
I am not Pagan nor a witch, but I am studying it and am appalled at how narrow-minded she is about the topic.
Any pointers of how to get her to lighten up on how EVIL witches are? Like informative websites that show how bogus the whole “kissing Satan’s rear” and “collecting male genitalia” and other ridiculous claims are?
*No, she isn’t me, my group was assigned to “Puritan beliefs”.
**Oh and if anybody is interested, here is the website:
It’s not just the report, she is like that all the time since we got it. She won’t shut up about how EVIL witches are now, even if I tell her I don’t want to hear it.
I just want to show her something that would make her just a little more tolerant towards others’ beliefs, since me simply explaining stuff isn’t enough.
Best answer:
Answer by problem JPAS
It’s her report. Why don’t you write a rebuttal?
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Butt out and mind your own business. You do your report and let her do hers. Her report will not reflect on your grade, so don’t worry about it. If she fails – that is her problem. If they teacher accepts it without comment – oh well, that’s life. It isn’t your business.
Although Wicca and witchcraft are not synonymous, you could steer her in the direction of timerift, witchvox, and religioustolerance websites. I remember having a debate in school over creation vs the big bang and a preacher’s daughter was on the big bang side of the debate and covered it quite well and was unbiased eventhough I’m sure it made her grit her teeth to do it.
The F she gets should teach her a lesson.
no….she is entitled to her opinion and see friends…THIS IS NOT PERSONAL PROBLEMS HERE…
If she is working in a group then it is up to the rest of her group to add balance to the Powerpoint presentation. You seem very biased regarding her beliefs. Find somewhere else to rant and be critical of your ‘friend’.
Well let her turn it in and when she gets an F on her paper make sure she knows it stands for “Fuck off!”. But seriously if you can dispute her argument in class and let everyone know the truth (like I said if you can) if not well tell her to stop being so close minded about the subject an try to educate her on it.
Wow, an opportunity has presented itself where she could learn something and yet she has chosen report only the facts which fit into her own beliefs. Well, its obvious she won’t become a reporter. Chances are that she won’t get a good grade on her report either since she’s refusing to present all the facts. The report was to document Witchcraft Through The Ages, not Christianity’s View of Witchcraft Through The Ages (however, to not present that point of view in a paragraph or two would also be missing the point).
You can try explaining it to her like this: The report is neither for or against witchcraft, its just presenting its historical relevance and obvious influence of literature. Or you can say God would want you to “know thy enemy.”
Perhaps you could have her sign on to Y/A and give her some on sight names of some of us who have answered this question. I am a nice person as I can testify that is Keltasia. I would also be happy to answer any questions that your friend would ask on any subject even this one of “Witchcraft.” Peace&Love be with you…~M~