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i made my own account tee hee. but i wrote this report so ya. There are 5 videos so look for the other 4!

Did you know that Jesus Christ was NOT born on December 25th? Did you know that the birthday of many pagan gods WAS indeed on December 25th? Did you know that many of our current Christmas traditions have their roots in paganism? Did you know that Jesus was actually born in the fall during the Feast of Tabernacles? Get the truth. Watch this video. For more information please visit us…. The Most Important News: The Last Days: The Truth: Organic Health: The End Of The World: What Does The Bible Say?: Vaccine Side Effects: Mysteries Of The World:
Video Rating: 4 / 5

34 Responses to My history on Pagan religion

  • nanachyou says:


  • Autio88 says:

    @FAITHandLOGIC Turn to Yahuwah, THE father, and the son Yahuwshuwa. Check my page for more info. Peace

  • Ontologistics says:


    But you are ignorant of grammar.

  • FAITHandLOGIC says:


    To surround myself with other believers. I agree. Many Christians are lemmings and sheep but I’m not. I’m not ignorance to the facts and history of my Christian faith.

  • ashtile says:

    The Pagan sex and fertility god Yule! How ignorant these Christians are. I thought I’d seen it all but this just takes the biscuit. How does she know that human sacrifice took place on each of the “twelve days of the festival”? There are no records of how the ancient pagans celebrated Yule. Like Christians everywhere she doesn’t hesitate to lie to make her point. Lying for Jesus!

  • pistolpete667 says:

    @FAITHandLOGIC why exactly do you need a church? dont be a sheep, though christians seem more like lemings

  • FAITHandLOGIC says:


    So is it common sense or in a book? The Quran was written in the 6th century. It would show nothing of the origin of the cross. Was it a pagan symbol? Yes. But it doesn’t change the fact that Jesus was still crucified on a cross. Christians don’t wear crosses for luck or superstition (unless you’re Catholic). It’s a reminder of Jesus’ suffering and resurrection.

  • FAITHandLOGIC says:


    oh shut up. All religions believe that their way is the only way. Stop acting like it’s Christians exclusively.

  • mississippiadventure says:

    Read your bible, your original torah or Qur’an…
    common sense the cross was a symbol of the pagan religion long before jesus or Yeshua.

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