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i made my own account tee hee. but i wrote this report so ya. There are 5 videos so look for the other 4!

Did you know that Jesus Christ was NOT born on December 25th? Did you know that the birthday of many pagan gods WAS indeed on December 25th? Did you know that many of our current Christmas traditions have their roots in paganism? Did you know that Jesus was actually born in the fall during the Feast of Tabernacles? Get the truth. Watch this video. For more information please visit us…. The Most Important News: The Last Days: The Truth: Organic Health: The End Of The World: What Does The Bible Say?: Vaccine Side Effects: Mysteries Of The World:
Video Rating: 4 / 5

34 Responses to My history on Pagan religion

  • qaplatlhinganmaH says:

    watch google video:
    Thomas? McEvilley?? on? ‘The Shape of Ancient Thought’?

  • uglydollJR says:

    Sounds beautiful! My mother has a dead dree on har back with a girl holding a pentacle in her hands, so pretty! I want on on my wrist with a dragon wrapped around it.

  • countrychick000 says:

    @uglydollJR i have a tatto now, a old looking stone pentacle with a green vine wrapped around it the green vine also wraps around my arm to the wrist where there is a rose its beautiful just got it!

  • uglydollJR says:

    Lovley pentogram! I have two, one is silver with a purple gem in the middle, my other is plane chrome with red gems.

  • LovesToCamp35 says:

    My aunt got me a necklace similar to that from….J.B. Jewelers, I think it was. You could probably order one online.

  • countrychick000 says:

    oh i found another one its the pentacle but the circle is only half around so it looks like a moon…its awesome

  • ApocalypsticDemons says:

    yea i’ve actually been looking for a necklace like that but theyre hard to come by in this society…especially in texas…well anyway good view…

  • Columbo794 says:

    Nice Pentagram.

  • Knockturnall1 says:

    very good report.

  • Killuminatyi says:

    I was born in a christian family and society but I am not really one of them. I have to say that the christian bible is not true most of it, and I dont really know what to believe anymore because no one can say for certain that god exists, i’m not saying he doesnt but how can you be so sure he does that you worship him, cause a book say it? why doesnt he show himself once and for all. Oh well all i have left to say is just be good for goodness sake! (not because you dont wanna go to hell)

  • TheRenatto0o says:

    This practice of “COVERING” ancient cults by (Catholic churc) is not a new thing
    Something very close to this hapens with africans slaves in Brazil…
    Many African slaves believed in other gods like OGUN and YEMANJA.
    The Church just change them into
    Saint George and Virgn Mary…

  • Insomnium2188 says:

    I smell christian propaganda

  • Yahwehismyel says:

    @FAITHandLOGIC Yes, find a genuine, Messianic congregation. But you have to be vigilant there too, because some “Messianic” assemblies are Rabbinic Judaism dressed up in Name of Yeshua. Yeshua never had a problem with Moses; just with those who added to and took away from what He had given him at Mt, Horeb.

  • th3dig1tal0n3 says:

    Just do not forget to bury last years Easter egg in backyard after Christmas.
    It is good to see that Christians and Pagans have common worship practices. LOL

  • Spiritflier07 says:

    Take the next step everyone and realize that His Name is not GOD nor is His son’s name Jesus. Their names are Yahuwah and Yahushua.

  • TheNiceness says:

    Man this is messed up. Passion of the Christ was a terrible movie. To think that Jesus (Peace be upon him) was slaughtered that way is one thing. But a movie to re enact it was just too much.

  • flameboy1236 says:

    The 3 kings celebrated his birthday and the some of the Jews.

  • flameboy1236 says:

    Of course Jesus wasn’t born in December, but the early christians and the pope wanted to convert pagans into Christianity. So they replaced their traditions and teachings with a christian one. I may not be a catholic, but I’m still a christian and my pastor celebrates Christmas too.
    He use to say “Celebrating these holiday’s is a good way to celebrate Jesus Christ and to witness to other people.” Some people don’t even know the word ‘Christmas’ which means ‘Christ Mass’.

  • CRoadwarrior says:

    The main problem I have with videos like this is that the creators do not make a distinction between what God created and is good, and what pagans take and distort. There’s nothing inherently “pagan” about a tree or logs made from trees. God made trees. It doesn’t matter whether Jesus was truly born of Dec 25 because none of us knows His exact birthday. I say, if the angels and the shepherds can celebrate (Luke 2:11-20), so can we. It’s that simple.

  • barakadhoruba says:

    Jesus (Peace and Blessings be onto him) never celebrated his birthday after his birth. none of his first generation followers celebrated his birthday. The birthday celebration is not even in the bible. if it is please show me where after Jesus left this Earth do the 12 disciples exchange presents on one day to celebrate his (Jesus’ birth). Not even in history do you see the first Christians celebrating on the 25 of December. Satan has been busy in the faith of the followers of Jesus (AS).

  • iamINCtv says:

    @FAITHandLOGIC — Iglesia Ni Cristo (Church of Christ), North Atlanta Congregation – 3039 Amwiler Road Suite 112 Atlanta, GA 30360 – Tel. No. (770) 613-9783 / South Atlanta Congregation – 202 Wisdom Road Peachtree City, GA 30269 – Tel. No.(770) 632-9911. — I hope brother that God will lead you the way to the true Church onwards the genuine baptism and salvation! God Bless!

  • iamINCtv says:

    @FAITHandLOGIC — The Iglesia Ni Cristo or the Church of Christ (Eph 5:23; Col 1:18; Acts 20:28)… the true Church founded by Jesus Christ written and prophesized in the Bible to be turned away after His death (II Cor 11:3-4; Mat 24:4-5) re-emerged (John 10:16) in the Philippines (Far East, Isiah 43:5-10) at the beginning of the First World War (Mat 24:6-7). INC doesn’t celebrate anything that is of Pagan roots. Do believe that there is ONE GOD alone, the Father, NOT Jesus Christ (John17:1-3)

  • confoundtheidols says:

    One would LIKE to think that the whole “learn not the way of the heathen” thing would be pretty cut and dry…

  • FAITHandLOGIC says:


    Sure pal, whatever you say. So the authors of the New Testament lied, Josephus lied and the Roman historians lied. The most influential man in history never existed. Go back to your “The God that wasn’t there” videos and other propaganda. Keep drowning in your ignorance. If you want to deny God, then fine. But to suggest that the man Jesus did not exist is just plain stupid.

  • DarkennedFlower says:

    @FAITHandLOGIC Same here..:/

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