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wiccan marvel
by Foenix

My Inaugural Address at the Great White Throne Judgment of the Dead

Alvin Miller

September, 2005
Important note:  Read my 1986 booklet before you read this.

    What follows is a rough draft transcript (subject to change when I actually give it) of my inaugural address (presumably in Washington, D. C.?) before global television at the Great White Throne Judgment of the Dead, after I have  raptured out billions of corpses –  laying on the ground (a fairy dump- rabbits running in the ditch)!  Feel free to believe what I’ve set down here are the ravings of a madman, because that is precisely what they are!  I have assembled this book in a series of vignettes.  Norman O. Brown, my mentor,  used a similar technique.   You’ll find I use terminology that may seem alien to Christianity:  wizards, witches and fairies, etc.  Part of the problem that the King James Bible mistranslated the word sorcery  referring to potions.  This is strictly adult material.  This is off limits to children, and this means you.  If your jaw didn’t drop when you read my 1986  booklet, I 100% guarantee it will drop now.  I repeat my annoyance at you ‘Christians’ who  have repeatedly attacked my site.  Jesus prophecied that all prophets must get stoned.  Your scurrilous, underhanded attacks prove what you really are – Pharisees who observe the letter of the Law, but not the Spirit.  You are shortly going to be rewarded

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