So, now stop writing. If we waited until everyone finished their list, we’d be here all night. Some of your lists would extend to the floor. You don’t need to show me your lists, because I already have that information. I keep a number of books around here. One of them is my Book of Human Works where I record your deeds, good and bad. That Book partly determines the Judgment you’ll receive. But I’m not going to open it tonight. Instead, I’m going to open my most important and legendary book that I keep – The Book of Life. I’m sure you’ve heard of it. I am the only individual qualified to open this Book! Here I record the names of those who have eternal life. (holding up the Book of Life, which is invisible). You might interrupt me here and go ‘Wait a minute, Lord, you’re shucking me, you have nothing in your hands!’ I reply, that I can see it and read it quite well, even if you can’t. John of Patmos had described the contents, but again not quite accurately. It works as follows: when everyone is born, no matter where on the planet, I record their names. . Now I have to stop for a short digression. I’m need to go pick up the Tree of Life. We had it in the Garden of Eden, and we will have it back in the New Jerusalem, where I am going to lead you. You’ll remember that in the Garden there were two trees: The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil (Morality). When Adam and Eve portook of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, they were ashamed of their private parts and covered them up with fig leaves. The Gods (plural – the Elohim)
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