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were sore afraid that  Adam and Eve  would partake of the other Tree – the Tree of Life – and become like one of us and become Immortals.  So they were banished forever from the Garden.  By the way, when Adam walked in the cool of the evening beside God, Adam was walking beside a nutty fruitcake, one of my predecessors.  Getting close to one of us is dangerous.  We’re walking timebombs!   We’re liable to explode!
    So here comes the Tree of Life that makes you immortal.  Here in Hell, I realize I’m throwing pearls before swine.  What I’m getting ready to say will strike you as totally absurd.  It is one sentence long.  It is:  No one, not anytime, not anywhere, not ever is permitted to stick it in!  It is always a crime to stick it in.  I use the word crime, because the word sin means nothing to you devils in Hell.  Everyone automatically assumes they are always permitted to put it in, but no one is permitted to, ever!  In the New Jerusalem, there will be two classes of people.  The rulers are those who haven’t put it in.  The second class is those who have put it in.  The second group will be under stringent conditions.  First, they will serve their masters – those who don’t put it in.  Further, the second class will be virgins until their honeymoon night, and be loyal and faithful to their spouses all the days of their lives and never stray.  There will be no adultery in the New Jerusalem.  There will be no prostitutes.  There will be no prisons or military weapons there – swords melted down into ploughshares.  Their will be no gays or lesbians – you will be back in the closet.  You learn new things in Hell that you couldn’t know otherwise.  I’m referring to the pedophile Catholic Priests.  It turns out

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