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that they weren’t making much of a sacrifice, since they didn’t want to be with a woman in the first place.  The women will all look plain in the New Jerusalem.  They’ll wear no makeup.  What do you find when you go to a maternity ward?  You’ll find that the number of boys and the number of girls is roughly 50/50.  That is, there is one boy for every girl.  This means that for every man there must be one woman only, and vice versa.  The story is only one per customer.
    Now back to The Book of Life (I open it).  Because the Tree of Life says that no one ever puts it in, there should be no names in the Book at all except virgins and those who are chaste.  But I’m a merciful God, and have made the decision to include the names of those who have been loyal to their spouses.  There are no other names in the Book!  The Book is very small indeed compared to the total population.  If you are a Christan and have served the Lord all your life, I love you, but whether you name is recorded in  the Book is solely determined by what you did in the bedroom. Nothing else matters about you.
    I am a functionally castrated man.  I have a completely useless appendage below my belt, just like someone 2000 years ago.  The worst heresy you could ever utter about Jesus was that he had been with a woman, such as the case of the Da Vinci code.  I am castrated, and I am here to castrate you.!  If I were a eunuch with my member chopped off, there would be not the slightest bit of difference in me.  The bottom line is I’m a man.  I look around and see the devils here in Hell (again, pointing to all the audience members).  I refuse to bring a poor innocent child here into Hell.  By definition, anyone who would father a child here is

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