inexhaustible everflowing fountain of the river of the waters of life, as promised by John of Patmos. I possess the universal elixir that will cure what ails you. All you have to do is get down on you knees and say “Lord, let me have it!” And I never withhold! I’ll pull it right out! I’ll sprinkle you with holy water. I’ll slime you right between eyes, I’ll touch you in the head with a drop of sperm, and you will go away shouting. We call someone ‘touched in the head’ when they’re a little off.
I am here to castrate you. I’m here to clean your clock. The reason is a surprise. What was the first animal we domesticated? Was it the dog? No! Was it the horse? No! It was her! This was back in caveman, prehistoric Stone Age days. Then she was precisely as she has become again here in Hell: slutty, mangy, sleeping around so much that no man knew whose child was whose. It was and is total chaos and anarchy. The same thing occurred in Sodom and Gomorrah, and I blew it to smithereens! It’s same thing here in Hell, and again I blew it to smithereens! She has once again become the fiercest jungle creature to walk the face of the planet. She has become a complete maneater! This is jungle lion taming – cracking the whip. This is cowboy bronc busting – get on her back and grab the reins. She bucks and snorts until she wears herself out. Then she starts to take directions and heeds the reins. A woman is not delicate. She is built to take it – she can take on an entire football squad and be ready for more. It ultimately means very little to her.
Woman is a gatekeeper. She determines which people walk on the planet in the next generation. That is a very important function. But
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