her function can be interfered with. And the very definition of Hell is that the wrong men get inside, breeding devils, demons, and monsters. She’s reluctant to put out for every Tom, Dick and Harry, but when messed with, will do so. The only way to tame her we learned in ancient days is to stay away from her. She must be made to understand that she doesn’t get your seed unless she agrees to cooperate and be your handmaid, your helpmate. She must understand that she is here to make your life better, not more painful.
So now receive the Great White Throne Judgment from the Lord:
For what you did in the bedroom, you are the damned! (raising my arm). Repeat: you are the damned!
Receive your Sentence from the Lord:
For what you did in the bedroom, the sentence is death! (raising my arm). Physical death – corpses laying on the ground death.
The preceding was the Great White Throne Judgment of the Dead. It didn’t take very long, did it?
We have completed the main business of the evening. But I have a number of other things to discuss. The first is the taboo, the one that must never be violated. By breaking it, you went straight done the wide road to Hell. It is so fundamental that it is not written down in any religious text anywhere, so far as I know. It is absolutely forbidden. It is:
Women can see. Right? They have eyes.
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