Don’t you agree? So what do women see? They can see which women get on top. So which women do get on top? If you’re a doll, if you’re a hot babe, you’ll be welcome everywhere you go, doors will swing open, you’ll always get a smile. You’ve got it made. So tell me what’s going to happen over time if you don’t keep the women absolutely under thumb. They are all going to start turning into dolls! Let me prove to you that I am a space alien – that I don’t think like you (my finger pointing to my head and circling to indicate I’m crazy). What’s your opinion of the situation here? Everywhere you look, as far as the eye can see you see dolls and hot babes. You say bring them on, the more the merrier. Right? And I’m telling you that the more dolls you got the deeper you are in Hell. And we couldn’t be more deeper in Hell. They couldn’t look any finer. We have grannies who are hot here in Hell.
You’re too hot, baby! (pointing at the camera). You’re busted! You’re too sexy! You’re under arrest! I look at you, and I come in my pants! Gentlemen, we are getting badly pussy whipped by the dolls. They are stomping us all over. It’s such an awful feeling. . The women here carve and sculpt their bodies into blinking neon signs with the unmistakable message: ‘I want a seed!’ This is literally the case with plastic surgery, where they pump up their breasts and butts. They are dolling themselves up. Surprisingly though, if you tell them they’re looking good, they get
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