for the spirit and the words of the father, something like an external God. I, in the age of psychoanalysis, propose a different view. Jesus and I are vessels of the collective unconscious. That’s the source of the messages we receive. There’s no Heaven or afterlife, but there certainly is a Hell. Because you’re in it! We, the gods, are two faced. When we’re pleased with you, we smile on you and give you a sunny day. Jesus taught this love. But when you become devils, I give you my wrath and sweep billions of you to the sky! The Muslim’s say “There is no God but Allah!” Tee Hee! Ho Ho! Be my guest if you want to pray five times a day to a rock! Silly! Silly! You see me, God, standing here in the flesh. Will the world ever by totally Muslim? Not! No way! Mohamed was only an Old Testament style prophet. As such he only granted Jesus the same status as himself, as only an Old Testament prophet. He couldn’t discern the utter uniqueness of Jesus. With Jesus something utterly new came into the world, changing it forever. The terrorist suicide bombers actually do believe something is going to happen when they die. Again, Tee Hee! Silly! Silly! We’re all wormfood! You devils take the wrong message from the fact that you’re wormfood. You say, ‘if that’s all there is, let’s live it up. Eat drink and be merry for tomorrow we die!’ Instead, you should conclude that what we need do is to make life simple and easy. You only go through once. We should arrange our lives so that we work very little, and spend lots of our time visiting friends and relatives. That’s real living, not this rocket rat race we run here. We live way too fast.
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