We don’t have time to stop and smell the roses. Where I going to take you, you’ll have time to enjoy life. Satan never sleeps. The Devil’s work is never done. Practically all the work you here do is in service of Satan. There are whole whole categories of goods that we won’t be making in the New Jerusalem. For starters their will be no fashion clothes or makeup. A little bit of soap and water is all any woman needs. It was the fallen angels who descended to earth because the women were fair who taught the use of cosmetics. They were dolls in those days also, exactly as once again. And, as I said, the more dolls the deeper you are in Hell. And we will be strong and have no sexy lingerie, precisely because we have a weakness for that stuff. We definitely will have no rocket ships (more later). We will likely have few or any aircraft and cars. As time goes on, we literally will become more and more stupid. Later people will look at all the technological artifacts around laying in ruins, and be quite dumbfounded and superstitious about them. The affliction I have makes me personally more and more stupid, and I have the power to make others stupid. We won’t be starving in the New Jerusalem. There will be enough to be mildly prosperous, but there will be no rich men there. We will be doing simple craftsman jobs. Einstein said that in a previous life he had worked as a Jewish tailor. In the New Jerusalem, Einsteins will be born, but will mostly work at simple jobs. We’ll miss out on their scientific contributions. If Einstein had never existed, we would have missed out on the quantum leaps he made. But we have billions of years. There is no
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