atheists, hammer and sickle for Communists (I’m one of the last of them on the planet), question mark (?) for children, etc. Remember that Hitler had all Jews wear a yellow Star of David. They were thus labeled as outcast vermin on the bottom. Here those Jews eligible will wear the white armband to indicate that they are on top – the Elect. Again, ‘the last shall be first.’
In addition to a marker for their faith, virgins will have a V on their armband. Those with a V are eligible for my High Command. Those who are chaste will add a C. Those who’ve been faithful to their spouses will add M for married.
Instant Prophet
I can make anyone an instant 100% accurate prophet. What was the one thing that everyone knew in the Roman Empire at the time Jesus was preaching in Gallilee, even without newspapers? They all knew that in the Roman Cities, especially Rome itself, they were having fabulous orgies. The automatic consequence is that Rome was going to fall. And we have had even better, more astonishing orgies starting in the late sixties. The only thing that slowed it down somewhat was AIDS. The orgies held in Rome can’t hold a candle to the orgies we’ve had here. Thus, Western Civilization is toast. The horse (Western Civilization) we’re riding has keeled over. And there’s no use beating a dead horse. The writing’s on the wall! The moving finger has writ! Tis nothing less than the end of the world! The stars are falling out! As Chicken Little proclaims, ‘the sky is falling!’ Chicken Little is on movie screens November, 2005.
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