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standing there and Bam! – she’s hit on the head with the big wad of cum I sent her.  Her eyes roll up until you see the whites.  Her mouth drops open.  She goes rigid and starts wobbling like a top  -she turns to stone – and then Boom! She falls still rigid to the ground.  (I crook my elbow and hold my arm up and clench my fist.  I cup my arm in my other arm.  Then I start wobbling my arm round and round until, finally, it goes flat).  Fairy bowling!  The idea of the sport is to see how many tenpins – dolls – you can knock over.  I’m the best ever at the sport.  I can knock over millions of dolls!
     Was I feeling any grief over the people I raptured out when I called up my storm?  Not at all.  They were all only devils here in Hell.  They were all warned.  Simply read the Book of Revelation.  I and my angels have been blowing the horn repeatedly since the seventies and not a single one of you repented.  But I did have two concerns with respect to my fulfilling John of Patmos’ promises.  First, I’m an elderly geezer and my member doesn’t come up like it used to.  I was concerned I would fizzle out and remove only a few million.  That  wouldn’t be enough to get you devils to change your behavior in the bedroom.  John of Patmos had promised a quarter to a third of the planet raptured out.  Secondly, when you call up a storm, there is always the danger that the wizard himself will get swept away, because it is uncontrollable and unpredictable.  Happily, I made it through, so that I could fulfill John of Patmos’ promise that I would be standing here giving you the Great White Throne Judgment of the Dead.

            Defeating the Whore of Babylon


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