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question of the evening is:  Which man can bell the cat?  Which brave hero can slay the dragon?  Which man can defeat the Whore of Babylon?  Which man can domesticate the Whore – pacify her and put her to sleep?  Perceptive observers have noted that the Book of Revelation has the structure of a fairy tale.  It is not a fairy tale is the sense of being a myth or being untrue.  One part of the fairy tale is the fairy test:  Which man can defeat the Whore of Babylon?  Being a fairy test, if any man attempts and fails, the Whore gobbles you up and drinks your blood.  Many men have tried, and all have been gobbled up by the Whore and had their blood drunk.  The Whore is not a supernatural entity.  She is simply the collection of all the dolls – all the millions of dolls.  When you approach her, she’s gorgeous, and the first idea you have about how to pacify her is to unzip your pants and stick it in her.  If you try this way, you loose, and she gobbles you up and drinks your blood.  Instead, the way to defeat her is to keep your pants zipped up, raise you arm and slime her right between the eyes.  Her eyes roll up till you can see the whites and her mouth drops open.  You’ve put her under a spell, you’ve hypnotized her, she’s pacified.  She goes to sleep.  ‘Ding dong!, The Witch is dead, the Wicked Old Witch!’

        Getting You To Change you Bedroom Behavior

    Once we get to the New Jerusalem, everyone will know what everyone is doing in the bedroom.  This is not your private affair, or your own personal business.  It is vital that everyone knows exactly what everyone is doing in the bedroom.  Adam and Eve fell, because they were ashamed of their private parts.  We will

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