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lunatic standing here.  But, I, God, did make you in the following sense.  I set the rules for you to live by – the Ten Commandments and the Sermon on the Mount.  If you disobey my rules and  go to Hell, as always, I get my willie working below my belt and rapture you devils out.  It was always ambiguous about who would be raptured out.  Would it be the elect or would it be the lost?  The answer is both!  Anybody and everybody that I could  remove I wanted gone.  You who are left behind that I am addressing are the same mix as those I removed.  My planet is in emergency mode, with billions of you devils running around destroying it.  I’m getting ready to give you the judgment.  I wash my hands of you!  I would like nothing better that to stick all of you devils is a gas chamber and slam the door shut! Once again, I, Victor Frankenstein, have created another botched laboratory experiment. I have to remove you, so I can start over again with a new Adam and Eve.  Get off my planet you devils!  Get off my planet!  I’ve had it with you!
    You are made in my image.  This simply means that you don’t have to live with continuous mental and physical pain that we mad people – specifically the gods –  feel every day from sunup to sundown every second of our lives.  What I have is contagious, infectious and deadly.  Don’t come close to me!  Let sleeping dogs lie!  The Wolf Man was lucky, because he shape-shifted only once a month at the full moon.  I, by contrast, shape-shift all day long from second to second.  I melt down and reform myself into a another person regularly.  If I get around anyone, involuntarily, I form myself into a duplicate of them.  Part of the power I possess is to temporarily pass on to you the

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