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    Now that the preliminaries are out of the way, we can get to the main business of the evening.  I have you summoned here this evening for a special reason.  Welcome to my Dead Man’s Party!  Step forward ladies and gentlemen.  And as you  step forward, you will notice that all the doors behind you are being slammed shut and barred.  You are going nowhere.  You are going to stand before me and not move!  (Stolen from Vincent Price – ‘House on a Haunted Hill’).  Right here, right now, this very moment at the witching hour of midnight is the Great White Throne Judgment of the Dead!  This is the Second Resurrection.  As Joyce prophesied in Finnegans Wake:  ‘Array! Surrection!’ – Resurrection and array.  Receive you’re Judgment from the Lord.  I’m getting ready to give you the Dr. Strangelove address.  In the film, he was an ex-Nazi whose message was: the apocalypse is here and  head for the hills – the same message as Jesus.          First of all, why do I say you are all dead?  I am addressing only dead people this evening.  That is you and you and you (pointing to members of the audience).  You have passed over.  You are no longer human!  You once were.  Then you became the Godless Wicked.  And now, in fact, you have become the devils, demons and monsters of Hell.  You have passed over to the Twilight Zone, the Forbidden Planet, the Forbidden Zone, the Dead Zone. Everyone on this planet had been dead since I and my assistants (known variously as angels, scanners, watchers, dreamers, hearts) first blew the horn in the seventies.
    Now the Judgment begins.  You hold paper and pens in your hands.  You are going to do some writing

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