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I understand that my mouth isn’t moving with what I’m saying! I hate that! ugh, but there was a glitch in my webcam sorrys 🙁 Hopefully my next video won’t be like this! But here is the three decks I show in this video are The Original Rider Waite Tarot by Pamela Coleman Smith and Waite Healing with the Fairies oracles cards by Doreen Virtue And the Goddess Guidance Oracle Cards
Video Rating: 5 / 5

15 Responses to My Method of Reading the Tarot

  • Talonsclaws says:

    @pinoyjapan Hands down, The Rider Waite. Many of the traditional tarot decks such as Pixies (the Rider Waite) is the best deck to start from. It’s the one I used when I began. Most tarot decks today draw upon the symbolism of the Rider Waite anyway for a basis in symbolism and artwork. It’s the best deck to own in my opinion. And has soo many different versions. But it is a classic non the less. 😉

  • pinoyjapan says:

    Hey there, do know of any decks that might be beginner friendly?

  • Talonsclaws says:

    SHHHH!!! That’s a secret. Why don’t you come round, and I’ll surprise you. 😛

  • King00000000000000 says:


  • TechnoFan01 says:

    Hello, Talonsclaws, I love your method of reading tarot and oracles, I myself do that too. I wanted to know if you could place an oracle card on the queens, kings, ect. rather than another tarot card?

  • MizTaylor says:

    Fun approach! I’m gonna have to try it. Thanks for sharing 🙂

  • dazywazy60 says:

    I have the same fairies oracle cards. My question is; When you flip the card and the image is upside down…Do you see that as a negative ?

  • RevVesta says:

    Love the spread,,,,, think i might give it a go… have to drag out my RWS though I think……lol..keep up the ideas……..

  • rose500 says:

    This is grate, I use oracle cards I have the unicorn cards, and I do use the two in my readings. blessed be

  • SweetNSourAngel says:

    Nice video. I havn’t really read tarot myself in a while. Though maybe I will get back to that. I’ve been finding that for me I perfer the oracle cards. I don’t own any decks at the moment,but I love to do readings for myself whenver I’m at my local New Age and metapysical store since I can use the deck for free. I have my eyes on a couple of decks that I may possibly purchase for myself in the near future. an Ascended Masters deck and an Anubis oracle card deck.

    Blessed Be!

  • Flashlighteyes says:

    Awesome! I can’t wait to see them. I am also gonna make some videos but not of tarot.

  • Talonsclaws says:

    Yes, I would recommend doubling the court cards. Since that’s how I was taught. 😀 Yes, I am planning to make more Tarot videos since Tarot has always been my first passion 🙂

  • Flashlighteyes says:

    This is very interesting. I’m new to tarot reading, would you recommend using this method for beginners? and if not can you tell me or make a new video explaining a differnt method?

  • Talonsclaws says:

    Thank you! 😀
    And blessed be to you too!

  • Bethy217 says:

    I think if you wrote a book about tarot or oracle cards it would be very easy to understand. Really interesting and informative video, thanks !
    Blessed be x

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