Question by Teboho AhmedM: my new girlfriend and i have slept 3 times but she deny me there any magical oil or anything i can use?
Best answer:
Answer by Super Sexy Fly
May be you suck in bed ?
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Question by Teboho AhmedM: my new girlfriend and i have slept 3 times but she deny me there any magical oil or anything i can use?
Best answer:
Answer by Super Sexy Fly
May be you suck in bed ?
What do you think? Answer below!
Magical oil? lol
No, you can’t make her want to. Try being romantic.
go buy the book, SEX FOR DUMMIES, learn how to have sex in a romantic way, that or go buy extenze maybe ur small @_@ idk
Shes obviously not comfortable yet. Be gentle?
Don’t beg, ask her what’s up and do something nice for her. Not neccessarily because you want something from her but because you want to. Be genuine!!
Yeah just look for this guy named Jose Cuervo, he’s got the “stuff”.
Too funny…
Just chill out. It’ll take time – not everyone is as keen on it as you are. Be romantic and be a good guy.
And if she says “I don’t know” – it means “no, but I’m not sure how to tell you”.
If I ever do standup, my act will be based on that and I will spend the rest of my life payin’ you royalties.
What do you think you can just sprinkle some sh*t on her vag*na and it’ll part like Moses?
Magical Oil. Haha. Un-f**kin’-believable.