This is an audio book on My Secret Unicorn. The recommended age group is 7-12
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Book Of Magic Spells 75 Percent Payout
A Book Of Over 40 Magic Spells That Anyone Can Do, Clearly Laid Out. Covers Ways To Deal With All Main Worries Of Todays World, Get Back Lost Lover, Make Someone Love You, Win Money, Change Luck For Better, Plus Many More.
Book Of Magic Spells 75 Percent Payout
Magic Spells
Article by John Vinters
Magic and wizardry tend to be matters which have for ages been looked upon with a bit of doubt, nevertheless with the very best magic spells available nowadays online, it really is possible to download and understand magic in the comfort of your own home as well as gain control of your own destiny. No longer must you go to your regional library or specialized book store for a list of spells. Merely download an effective magic book; and yes they definitely really do work.
Depending on just which portion of your way of life you would like to influence you’ll have to take a look at various sections within your new spell book. There are spells for money, love and health and wellbeing, and you do not need to worry about using black magic that could hurt other people in your journey to present you the things you want.
The perfect magic spells to change your life permanently are waiting for you to download in your best magic e book. Because you are able to download your book of spells, this ensures that you are able to browse commentaries before you decide to buy something. If you are indeed cynical regarding precisely how a spell can turn your life around, then just take some time to read to customer comments; yes, they actually do give you results.
Whether you happen to be unlucky with your money and really need a pay rise, or you just cannot seem to attract the companion you dream about, there’s a spell in the listing of magic spells just for you. Think clearly about what it is you want to achieve through casting the magic spell and you will definitely discover the one that is best.
When you are deliberating over black and white magic, always select white. A deterrent for implementing black magic is positioning yourself on the receiving end of a black magic spell. You really wouldn’t like it in the event your companion had been stolen away from you, would you? The very best magic is definitely clean white magic spells that do simply no harm, however , do work in controlling your destiny, and they are just waiting for you to acquire in the form of your best magic e book.
Perceptions to magic have evolved considerably in recent times, and while many may still connect witches with broomsticks and cauldrons of bubbling broth as magic, the basic fact is far different. Magic presently is certainly quickly becoming a preferred solution to fixing all the problems in your day to day life and gaining back that control that’s been absent.
Due to the introduction of Internet marketing these days it is possible to download your list of magic spells from your home, and you simply don’t have to worry about spending hours in your local library pouring over thick and old books. Today it is possible to even access a few listings of magic spells totally free of charge; try one today and find out just how they really work.
Whether you would want to cast a beauty spell or one for good luck, you’ll find the specific spell inside the online listings and even instructions and just precisely what materials you will need to be able to cast the spell. The ideal spells are available to you today.
Don’t bother about your own lack of experience in casting spells. Anybody can cast a successful spell with the assistance of an excellent magic spells book. Therefore, if you want to start to take control over your life and destiny without having others control it for you, then download the most effective list of magic spells and regain a grip on your life.
If you are fascinated by magic spells and would like to find out more information visit
i love the books i what to read the 2 3 and 4 ones but i only read? the 1 5 6 ones
I love these books so much I have? the whole series, but it’s better on audiotape.
(puke noises)?
It’s gonna be haunting me seeing for a while that, a fan of my most beloved game zelda..-points to vaati135- can be so rude, strange.. I’ve never emt a zelda gamer that was rude, maybe they fail.. haha… guess they ahte Epona..Link’s steed..oh mai this has nothing to do with this.. love the book…. reading right now..? for the who knows how manyth time..
Okay… the voice gets to me.. but hey it’s the perfect book to read when? you wish you could have a horse.-shrug-
EEWEE THIS SUCKS this burns my? ear
@Vaati135? Your so fucking gay then why are u watching this u big asshole
@Vaati135? LOL
Do u? have the second book? Could you put that one on here too?
i love? these books now i want my own pony i wonder if the spell works……..
Thanks for telling me (I’m? not being sarcastic LOL) cos i was thinkin about trying it.
are there anymore of these? stories on youtube??
im almost? 12 and i have all the books
these are really good for any age
i love these books and im 13 but i dont care i have got every book of the series!
If anyone likes these books? i would reccomend stardust they are even better than my secret unicorn (well i think)
I has a grey pony and have read this book and? yes i have often tried the turning spell!
because im a dipstick lol
I love the books
This? could be good for them who can’t read, too young to read, or them who are slow to read =)
But i chose reading to myself =]
I love Linda Chapman!! I have all her books and love to read them! im 13 but whatever!! I love the My Secret? Unicorn series best though! XD
i’ve been asweell!?

I have upto nine books of this series! ^^ my? first book was the 8th one, i think i’ve got that one right, the one with twilight and the snowy trees behind him with the purple background, i haven’t got the book with me at the moment, it’s in my school bag