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metaphysical theory
by mb7art

Question by Grey: My theory explaining spirits and the soul. Thoughts please?
I was wondering about this little idea i had. When our psychical body dies if we our lucky then by chance the remaining electrical energy inside our body then surges to your brain and absorbs you collective consciousness. So after this process your mind becomes some sort of electrical consciousness and very much still a sentient mind.
ThIs could mean story’s of spirits and ghosts are really just people who shed there metaphysical form and ascended into another plane.
Ok i know this is just a random idea but i would like your thoughts on it please.

Everyone is welcome to any kind of opinion although i ask it is constructive .

Best answer:

Answer by Yo Yo Mama
Is it constructive to simply say this is more baseless speculation about an afterlife for which there is a lot of wishful thinking and there isn’t a shred of evidence?

Add your own answer in the comments!

12 Responses to My theory explaining spirits and the soul. Thoughts please?

  • Spunky The Metaphysical says:

    Nice and all, but you’ll have to invent a mechanism by which said energy is maintained and transported. Otherwise, it would tend to simply vanish as gradual electrical discharge or heat dissipation.

  • Annsan_In_Him says:

    Sounds good, apart from the ‘if we’re lucky’ bit.

    Fortunately, God isn’t into luck. He’s got it all sorted. The question is, have you? Read what Jesus said about the soul in Matthew chapter 10 verse 28: ‘Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell.’ Think about it….

  • leo d says:

    sounds close,it can give you a reason to think past this life,thats the first step to a biger picture,coservation of energy,the spark from a hammered nail 100 years ago is unchanged as some static somewhere,and needs no machinism to maintain

  • ross says:

    You are looking for an explanation of spiritual in terms of form. Spirit is formless. Can’t be done. Material doesn’t last, only spirit does.

  • brilliantly8tIndigosquirtAMVAVT says:

    That’s kind of my take on it. Everyone is just a veil away. You are right now living on more than one plane of existence. There are multiple yous having different experiences. We’re always saying that we long to be whole yet most of us don’t understand what we’re really saying. We’re longing for all our pieces/selves to be brought back together. To reach our higher selves and reunite together as one once again. Before you’re born, you choose your life’s events. We come back again and again until we’re ready to move on to higher vibrational planes.

  • Gazoo says:

    Only one problem….that electrical energy is entirely driven by chemical reactions. When you die, they shut down.

    There is no unaccounted for energy in your body. When you die, the heat dissipates off, and the stored energy in the chemicals get eaten by the worms.

    If you think there is some kind of energy like you describe you are welcome to look for it, but there have been some very expensive calorimeters built and used to study death. It just ain’t there.

  • Sirius the lord of khem says:

    That is the reason the Egyptians built Pyramids (Per Neters) because they believed their souls would be transformed by the energy which the pyramid had in it’s center up to the stars of Orion.

  • galactic_bodhisattva - SGI says:

    You’d still have to deal with entropy. This is why we have a physical body. To contain energy that would otherwise dissipate randomly…

    Nice thought, but if there is such a thing as a soul, it defies the current tools of science to define it. It would have to exist in a pure boson form, and that has little to do with the physical world.

  • ? says:

    I think that in very emotional or stressful situations like death,one is so loaded electrical that your body shed some of the excess as images and that is what other people see as ghosts.Sometimes buildings absorb this excess electricity and keep it as memories.That is my opinion any way.

  • Raphael says:

    T hats an interesting theory, From my studies,when the soul leaves the body it is judged for good or bad on the spot, if the soul goes to Heaven would it want to come back to this life? without a specific purpose in mind?
    However, if the soul is condemed to Hell , and Hell being situated in the Earth, the soul is confined here for all eternity, it doesn’t really matter wwhere on Earth the condemned soul is because lost souls,Devils and demons always drag Hell around with them wherever they are, they suffer always.

  • Planet 416 says:

    barking up the wrong tree here, my friend. personally, i know what you say is true, if incomplete. but you’re talking the Tree of Life, and far too many people here, as many answers show you, reside in the Tree of Death.

  • skepsis says:

    “If you’re lucky?” Does that mean not everyone gets to have a “soul”? Does it also mean that the “soul” isn’t generated until the moment of death and is actually different from the conscious mind?

    Why would the energy “surge to your brain”, and then do something that would seem to require conscious thought? You have no explanation for an autonomic mechanism that would pull this off, much less “ascend” to another “plane”.

    The electrical activity of the brain requires electrons, extremely small particles with very little mass that nonetheless exist physically. They travel in response to electrical charges, being attracted to positive charges and repelled from negative ones. The fact that they are isolated by the structures and functioning of the brain is what makes it possible to form consciousness. Without a physical structure, they just become random charges subject to dissipation into the nearest matter.

    Imagination is a wonderful, creative way of developing new explanations for how things work, but it has to be followed up by the work required to verify what is proposed. It requires testing or observation and it needs to consider what we already know about how the universe works. So far, we understand that the world doesn’t work the way you describe, so you’re going to need some evidence.

    As for ghost stories, that requires a different kind of imagination.

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