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causes stop following. Attachments detach and once again you feel light, but happy and solid, and clear minded. You’ll also begin to get a very clear sense of why you are here in this lifetime. It’s often when what you thought was your karma to bear, takes it’s leave from your life. Soul recovery leaves one feeling whole, literally. Complete is good.

People bring soul loss with them from horrid experiences and trauma incurred in past lives. It really is true they have inherited it, but what they don’t realize is that the trauma is from way, way, way in the past. A life, or lives, one lived; left deep wounding, deep scars. This is why, in many cases, you see soldiers who go to fight wars, but some can’t shake PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder) and some seem to be able to do things to manage it. One has deep soul loss from a past life related to wars, the soldier who fought next to him may experience the same things, but in the latter’s past lives, the soul loss was healed, whereas in the first soldier’s, it was not. When the horror occurs present life, one can’t get through it, but one CAN. One had soul loss from a past life or lives like unto the terror, one did not. This is also why you see people who live horrid and tragic lives that pull through and are happy, but another does not. It’s past life soul loss. Shamans use the term predilection to describe this tendency.

Soul loss from past lives should always be seriously considered in discussing a person’s tendencies, because they reoccur. If you keep having the same issues, wake up. It’s past life soul loss and you really should consult a shaman for help. When a person decides they are going in round and round in circles, always trying to figure out what is wrong with

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