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the original injury has nothing left to cling to and dissolves.

When a person is born into their present lifetime, they carry all the talents, and injuries occurred in past lives with them into their new incarnation. Often the incidents in past lives will show up as birthmarks, moles, personality quirks, personal likes and dislikes, etc., etc, etc..

Does one always have to look to soul loss as the main problem? Well no, As you go about your day to day life, growing up, interacting with others and engaging in various adventures, you’re always going to be subject to spirit loss. There will not come a time when you’re not vulnerable or exposed. If you keep yourself healthy and try to have as much of a positive outlook on life; then spirit loss is usually minimal and recovery occurs naturally. There is a huge difference between soul loss and spirit loss but many fake shamans can’t tell you the difference. Spirit loss is when you get bumped, have an accident, or have been sick but when you attempt healing, you yourself can sense recovery is happening. You get the sense you are healing and you know where the loss or damage occurred. Not true with Soul Loss.

When should you consider having a Soul Retrieval done? Anytime you keep feeling depressed, or feel ‘out of it’ and it stays or keeps repeating, then it may be time to ask for one from a shaman. Will any shaman do? No, it’s like any other personal service you seek help with. The shaman has to come across as competent, and give you a feeling that what they say they can do, they actually can do. This is especially important nowadays when it seems anyone can hang out a shingle after going to a 3 week seminar and say they offer shamanic services. There is a lot of fraud

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