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out there, so it helps to listen to your guides, your gut and use some common sense. If you feel it’s not correct. It’s not.

Earlier in this article I mentioned that many times when you go to see a shaman, the soul or soul part is retrieved almost instantaneously. It’s true. Something about shamans and their energy is recognized by the lost soul or soul parts. It’s as if an AHA! Instant recognition occurs and the soul, or soul part, comes out of hiding and releases itself. This is because there is something that occurs with shamans where the energy just envelopes or cocoons the soul and says. “It’s safe, come home now”.

What does it feel like afterwards soul or soul parts recovery? Good. Very good. I’ve always felt like this is where we get the phrase “I’ve finally got it all together!”

During the 60’s kids tuned in, dropped acid and dropped out. I’ve often surmised they were really on a soul journey to other realms to find their soul parts from past lives, or trying to. It’s uncanny how the powers that be will give us back door instructions to start treasure hunting for ourselves. In the 1970’s the kids who had come of age had to go find themselves because it was accepted as the norm they weren’t there. In the 80’s it was the ‘me age’. Me, me, mine. Me first.

We got lost in the 60’s. Went in search for ourselves in the 70’s, and found us during the 80’s era. Sounds eerily close to soul loss and recovery to me… It also gives a whole new meaning to the words of Ram Dass, “Wherever you go, there you are” too. Think about it.

Think about your own life now, and see patterns, patterns that repeat. Then ask yourself if you might be getting a wee bit tired of the same old, same old grind with

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