Some of the most common myths and misunderstandings about tarot reading. Hopefully this will open a discussion? ~~Tarot Readings By Venus Satanas! The Rider Waite Tarot [Rider-Waite-Smith]
Tarot reader in Kitchener Waterloo area of Ontario Canada. Kathleen Meadows – online tarot readings at
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@VenusSatanas In France the Tarot game is called « Le jeu de Tarot » ; « Tarocchi » is the Italian name
THANK YOU, finally someone says this…so much bullshit on Tarot on this site, hahaha
Thanks, allot of the symbols do come from the Hebrews and Egyptians! But, if you look closely they also have plants and animals in these pics, this is also a relation to humans, yes we all connected to animals and nature. Recently my mother was murdered by her own sun. And holy native messages hit my fan!! Wow! Sunflowers and Crows! I was her bird! And I think my brother stuffed her like a turkey! It was over greed and material wants! What a jerk!! Michael Lee Neill, don’t eat his food!
You are sooo hott
LOVED your video!
You make some very good points!
Hi, sorry for any misunderstanding there. The games of tarot have many names. The cards and games are Tarocchi in Italy, Tarock or Tarokky is central/Eastern Europe, Troccas/Troggu in Switzerland, Cego in Germany, and of course, Tarot if France (it’s their second most popular card game now).
‘tarot as not a game’ was a reference to tarot reading, and cartomancy, not using tarot as a game,
the tarot game is called tarocci by the way.
enlightening, and parallels my own beliefs on whats real and whats bullshit. thank you ms. venus:) *tips hat to the pretty lady*
I do need to pick up a couple of points. First, you say that tarot is not a game, while in point of fact, tarot cards were invented for playing card games 350 years before anyone used them for divination. The games are still played throughout continental Europe. Next, while the images are largely of Christian origin, there is no evidence of rosicrucian or kabbalisitic origins – these were supposed by later 19th century occultists. The images are probably a Christian triumph procession.
Its good to have a healthy dose of skepticism!
While I agree with most what you said, I argue one point. I am a pretty much complete skeptic, but I still enjoy using the tarot not only as an interesting hobby but also as a tool for deeper thinking and interpretations of situations. Using the cards for a reading can have a very psychological effect, often allowing you to see things in a different way or understand problems from a different angle. Of course, perhaps I am not a true skeptic and I research almost everything before dismissing it.
I like what you said about scepticism, “like anything in access, it brings inbalance; just like too much salt can ruin the taste of a good meal.”
Let me preface by saying first that I am impressed with your information. You pretty much hit the nail on the head. Although I am surprised that more effort was not spent on at least mentioning A.E Waites influence on the makeup of the Cards that we know today. Also I have a question for you VS, What is your take on some neo-pagan groups attributing Air to the Wand in Tarot Decks, rather than the Sword? Keep up the Good Work, I have a level of expectation now!
Ave Satanas.
Frater Shin.
I am very impressed that you touched on the fact that most of the modern Rider-Waite decks are based on GD/Rosicrucian Themes. After all A.E.Waite was instrumental in their creation as we know them today. What is truly sad is that most people don’t see the Kabbalistic Themes involved with the Pathworking of the Cards. Now heres a Question for you V.S, What is your take on Elemental Attributions to the Pips? Ex: Wand = Fire, or Sword = Air. You provide a plethora of interesting info. Keep it up!!
Thanks. Great video.The seperation between religion and mysticism can be apparent, but I think that we can create our realities. If tarot is a tool to divine with – whatever- then it can also be a part of religion. Let us not be swayed by some Christians who want it to be otherwise, Crowley never was.
Devil’s in the details
this is very true and i intentionally left this aspect out because it is one of the more controversial views on “gypsies: egypt, and tarot…but its one of the legends of the occult!
The Gypsies sometimes used playing cards for Tarot readings. They used their skills whenever they traveled. I think that’s what generated the stereotype of Gypsies being fortune tellers. There was a book published during the 1800s called The Tarot of Bohemians which claims that the Gypsies came from Egypt during that particular time.
Whelp, I just watched all your tarot vids…as an experienced former reader I can say you have done a great job! I remember once at a psychic fair I overheard a reader the next table over tell a woman her child was going to die. I got up looked at the spread and walked out of the fair after contradicting the reader. I never read for anyone but myself after that. I owned like 25 decks. Cagliostro is awesome if you can find one. Crowley’s was my fav though. Keep up the good work!
Yes excatly, about the devil card, it is related to being chained to desires and it does show how one can live a better life by not “giving in” to things that prevent your success.. good post scurry1965
On my Rider-Waite tarot deck,.. A friend of mine pointed out that the couple chained on the devil card were wearing collars that could easily be slipped off.
Just that one observation was very significant to me personally.
Sometimes the realizations are simple yet profound. At least for me that is.
My Thoth deck is more difficult. Maybe because it was my second. I’m still feeling it out.
yes, indeed ..and you can read more of the same at spiritualsatanist dot com
Someone wrote this.
how cool, ive always worndered about tarot, and ofcourse i never concluded anything by my limited info on them.