Native American Indian Flute, Shamanic Drums and Native Art.. Watch in High Quality!
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Native American Indian Flute, Shamanic Drums and Native Art.. Watch in High Quality!
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Video Rating: 4 / 5
Beautiful journey and song, thank you…may the winds be warm and gentle to you and yours~ blessing~
Thankx for posting.
I love this, & have a cd, very similar for meditation, called spirit feathers.
I used this relaxation song to relax and calm down among a few other songs for a past life regression session I downloaded from youtube. who wants to try it is invited to visit my channel. Peace and love for you my brothers and sisters
I’m part african american and american indian and australian. No joke
Love this just soul shaking………
Nice. Love it!!
@vanessamaik76 Thank you so much! Light and love friend!
I felt a strong vibe running in my body while listening to this.
@wolfshaman1 hiya, friend.. Song is called “Sunset Ceremony”, by David & Steve Gordon. Peace & Love 2U!
its not Greek its CReek indian :3
@bloodysnow1 wow half cherokee and half greek thats some combination lol
What cd is this on? its beautiful and would love to have the cd for trance work. Thank you for the upload and everything.
keep making more vids plz ^>^
@bloodysnow1 I am touched by the comments.., I’m honored by your presence here.. Peace & Love 2 U, my friend..
im half cheeroke and half creek indian :3 and this vid reminds me of my ancestors
this is so beatiful i love listening to this
Very good, Native indians are very good everytime.
what have we done to the great spirit. why do we butcher each other. are we any better than animals?
just one word: Brilliant
thank you ! Namaste!
@SpaceCadetMarty Hey after reading your comment it made me really think, i know you posted this like 9 months ago LOL but yeah
Well i guess i KINDA grew up in a christian ‘circle’ friends and family
i was so sure of my faith liek a year ago
and now i’m totally NOT christian, nothign against them though
but your comment is sooo true, I believe there still is something up there protecting us, and how good it was to be in harmony with nature b.c we were created together
Screw it, I am just going to forget everything in life, all stress behind, all work, all involvement of non-piece and go run around naked in a forest and be more in touch with nature. I am going to join a Native Tribe far north in BC, Canada! I JUST WANT TO BE FREE!
may the eagle bring us good news and may the wolf’s crying if where in danger let the bison walk free again and give the country back to the real indians may they live forever
Yeha noha. Harmony to us all!
Best of greetings from Norway!