Natural Sacred Artistic Impetus: Sexuality Highest Form of Spirituality Available To Mankind (10th House)
MODE OF Cosmic Therapy: The Truth About Pure Raw Sex
Attention all mortals: The undisputed champion arena where all false gods reside, flourish and maintain complete dominion! This is also the indispensable mountain you will have to climb while inhabiting the earth plane. No two ways about it. In the dreaded, foreboding awe-struck uncertain regions of the jagged peaked mountainside, your invariable fate lies waiting for you in the 10th house of your astrological natal chart, You will pay the fiddler for the music you inadvertently dance to. Who is bold, brazen, and daring enough to greet the spear thrower of destiny? Remember: Do not venture in lightly, indiscriminately, disrespectfully or half-heartedly. Every innuendo counts!
It’s all about the details, those seemingly small insignificant matters that get swept away under the rug in the run of a day. You will answer for the details. Pay attention to what is being said, the tone of voice, the gestures of the hands, the divergent insinuations written on a person’s face, names of people you talk to on the phone, the shape/color of the flowers, disruptions in e-mail correspondence, distinctive smells that are registered in rooms/offices/homes, the texture of dirt, grit of the sidewalk, leaves falling from the trees, the variant noise of cars, the stress of the wind, the temperature of the rain, the savory saltiness or sweetness in food, the formation of clouds in the sky, the position of buildings in relation to the sky, the color/design of the plates in the various restaurants, the condition of your feet, the instinctive rhythm of face to face conversations, addresses on mail, music which makes you instinctively begin to move, art (the tones) that strike you,