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 unlinked laughter, sporadic spontaneous events that occur impulsively coupled with the infinite number of things that make up the landscape of your bedroom.

Whatever sign is on your 10th house rings the alarm bells for you!  Locate the planet of rulership in the Astrological Natal Chart to see what ‘false god’ you are paying homage to; most especially the people born under this particular sign. Diminish the importance, immediately!!! Break the spell of their convocational influence.  (For example IF Aries is on the cusp; locate mars.} What house does he reside in? This is the place you should place your energy, emphasis and attention. This is the arrow of destiny.  No longer lay precious jewels, gifts, fruits of your loins, emotional diamonds on the alter of the sign on the cusp of the 10th house. NO! Cease immediately. You are barking up the wrong tree of soul satisfaction.

Watch for the signs (seasons) of change in the area of your chart where the planet of the 10th reigns; explore the distressing possibilities; don’t shut them down by working  against them. Meaning: “Take risks.” Do the things directly associated with that sign.  Do the unexpected. Surprise yourself.  Say something worth listening too.  Finding your particular destiny is all about doing that which has not been done in your life; going on the adventure that leads you away from familiar security. Broaden your horizons. Dream Big! Dare Bigger!!! Jump higher!!!  Sexuality leads this one parade. This takes an enormous amount of dedication and perseverance.  (In the same manner of getting an honest interaction with your father.) What ever type of relationship you have with your father will be determined by the sign which rules this house. [Which is

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