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normally transferred to the significant other in your life.]

First of all, be aware of the places where you tend to get stuck; ‘shoot to kill’ the defense mechanism of negative father flavored opinionated tone of voice re-running in your head. Most especially the irritant words that tell you “you shouldn’t.”  [To overcome the falsely exaggerated sense of self is first priority of this house.] In order to accomplish this, you must stop being so restrictive. You will learn how, based on the aroma of the sign on the cusp of the 10th house how to establish your own nomadic wisdom of real merit. You are to continually push the limits; don’t do the same things you are normally accustomed to doing.  Drive down a different path.  When others say no; do that first   until you find and establish your own sexual rhythm. Try all sorts of romances with many things, people, places and avenues. Sacredly Inspired Compulsion will serve you in your destined plight IF you allow the ruthless soul to guide.

But, if you use this (passionate) compulsive need to magnify worry, concern, interference in other people’s affairs, and enhance your obsessive need to know and try to control the outcome, you will be chastised in the severest of ways.  Let the other person alone.  Literally, leave him be.  If he leaves, so be it.  If he returns so be it.  It has nothing to do with you.  It is something you can’t determine. You are the first love that you devoutly earnestly seek and need. Return to it.

Strip down the pretenses you don’t necessarily want to face but will have to sooner or later.  If you’re going to try to fool people, it won’t be from this house. You will be caught in your own web of deceit every time.  But if

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