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Question by TheAsender: Nearly 60 yrs ago I read in Genesis, sons gods cohabit earthlings daughters, space travelers to me to you?
I was a teenager and an avid reader, so I thought I would read the old testament. When I got to that part were the sons of the gods and earthling daughters cohabited and had childern. It jumped out at me that these people were space travelers!! I went through life as a nonchristian, with a native belief of the great creator, our belief says we came from the stars and will return upon death. I experienced many wonderful things in my life, that were natural to me, but now I know super natural to most, by the time I hit my early sixties, I knew I was a native Shaman. My native culture and people are mostly gone, destroyed by the early contact with the english, so I was mostly alone, hence my native name Lone Eagle. But when I was 72 years old I experienced a wonderful spiritual mind conection with another human being,” the Sacred spirit touch” and this journey took me to Yeshua/Jesus in the gospels of Thomas and to who the gods of the OT were.

Best answer:

Answer by Chris
They weren’t “space travelers”.

They were demons.

And the “gospel of thomas” is heresy and is a lie from Satan.

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5 Responses to Nearly 60 yrs ago I read in Genesis, sons gods cohabit earthlings daughters, space travelers to me to you?

  • Man on a Mission says:

    Wow….70+ year olds know what the internet is and can type pretty well!

    I learned something new!

    BTW, this isn’t a question.

  • NekoMimi says:

    You got it… You made the logical connection…

    There is a History Channel Doc Series on this topic…

    If you look at the bible with THIS idea in your mind, EVERYTHING that didn’t make sense makes sense…

    Check out that doc series… You can prob rent it at your library or even off of Blockbuster/netflicks.

  • the chosen one says:

    How else do you think the Virgin Mary got pregnant? It sure wasn’t from Joseph.

  • salvation says:

    I talked to my Sunday School teacher on this, and he said it was Cain’s descendants. They were evil people. There is no such book as the book of Thomas. You need to read the book of John, and get the truth. It will help you out. Don’t be lost for all eternity. Come to the truth.

  • Uncle Remus 54 says:

    What a spiritual experience you have had my friend. Below is a link you may well be aware of of a tribe in Africa who clam they are ancestors of an ancient race of space travelers. I have the link below.

    I had heard about this tribe many years ago myself when I was a young boy. And they could even point out the star where they came from.

    I do not condemn your experience in any way shape or fashion. I believe that God works in mysterious ways his wonders to perform. I am third world myself and was not born in the western civiliatzion I live in now. Third world has their own traditions and cultures.

    What I do believe is the Biblical account of what happened to man. And that all the true stories about man are found there. But that all civlizations and cultures are looking for that one story that has meaning and link between the traditionasl myths of ancient man. That are based on truth and actual history. And what is happening now.

    Why do I believe the Bible’s account. Because the creator would say to tell the world the truth. It would command his followers to preach the gospel to every tribe and nation. God would not want to keep his truth hidden under a rock or be left alone for thousands of years. His people would be called by his name.

    But that is only my opinion. And I do respect yours as well. It is a profound experience. And I am happy to have heard your words of truth in such an astonishing spiritual walk that you’ve led. Thank you very much for your link.


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