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New Age Dawning: Breathe Well, Sleep Well, Age Well

Sleep May Not Be the Number One Factor In staying Young and Healthy

“Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.”

This short proverb can be traced as far back as 1496, and even earlier if you count all its variations. It seems that people have always understood the necessity of a good night’s sleep, but these days quality sleep has become a luxury rather than a necessity. But going without sleep may not be so easy since it’s not something your body can easily do without.

The Growing Sleep Deficit
According to a recent Harvard Health Publications survey, “more people are sleeping less than six hours a night, and sleep difficulties confound 75% of us at least a few nights per week.” Most people are shown to be getting inadequate sleep, and as a result chronic fatigue is a major problem for millions of Americans.

But even with the sleep “catch up” on the weekends there are still those who are tired and listless no matter how many hours of sleep they get. In these circumstances, something else may be awry: the sleepiness patients feel is usually the end result and not the actual cause of their sleepiness. In fact, it may be their poor breathing at night and not the quantity of sleep they’re deprived of.

Breath Well To Sleep Well
Whenever you undergo any form of exercise training, you’re almost always reminded to take long deep breaths and to focus on your breathing. From Pilates, to yoga to running and Tai-Chi, exerting control over one’s breath, especially as it pertains to one’s stamina and endurance, is key to maintaining good form and gaining mastery.

But think what would happen if you couldn’t breathe

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