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is why oftentimes when patients come to me with sinus and or chronic fatigue issues, I always ask: “Which position do you prefer to sleep in?” It’s almost a given that if patients like to sleep on their sides or stomaches their airways will look like the opening of a coffee stirrer when I look at their airway with my video endoscope.

Breathing For Life
Although many of us intuitively know that breathing is necessary for life, those with sleep apnea and UARS aren’t breathing for their lives. Even though they’re sleeping and therefore should rest allowing time for their brain, muscles, and organs to reset and replenish, their apneas or frequent breathing cessations are constantly interrupting this process. It’s like their “fight or flight” response is on all the time, even though it needs some time off. Think what would happen to your car if the ignition was never turned off. Well, this is what’s happening with sleep apnea patients.

Problems with Sleep Apnea
There are many serious consequences to having sleep-breathing problems—many of which are preventable yet as I’d mentioned before, this is not very likely because so many people who have this condition are unaware.

For one thing, research has found that sleep apnea is inked with a higher incidence of high blood pressure and heart disease. Many patients that come to me already on high blood pressure medications or have a history of heart disease are found on examination to have some sort of a sleep-breathing disorder.

Some other chronic conditions related to sleep apnea are diabetes, depression and many anxiety issues. Many fatigue and attention deficit problems like ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) in

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