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(English Trans.), vol. 3, p. 1095, no. 3895).]

Like the previous Hadeeth, this Hadeeth literally refers to the fortune-teller but it is just as applicable to the astrologist. Both claim knowledge of the future. The astrologist’s claim is just as opposed to Tawheed as the ordinary fortune-teller. He claims that people’s personalities are determined by the stars, and their future actions and the events of their lives are written in the stars. The ordinary fortune-teller claims that the formation of tea leaves at the bottom of a cup, or lines in a palm tell him the same thing. In both cases individuals claim the ability to read in the physical formation of created objects knowledge of the unseen.

Belief in astrology and the casting of horoscopes are in clear opposition to the letter and spirit of Islaam. It is really the empty soul, which has not tasted real Eemaan (belief) that seeks out these paths. Essentially these paths, represent a vain attempt to escape Qadar (fate). The ignorant believe that if they know what is in store for them tomorrow, they can prepare from today. In that way they may avoid the bad and ensure the good. Yet, Allaah’s messenger was told by Allaah to say:

“If I knew the unseen, I would surely have only sought the good. But, I am only a warner and a bearer of glad tidings for believers.” [Soorah al-A`raaf 7:188]

True Muslims are therefore obliged to stay far away from these areas. Thus, rings, chains, etc., which have the signs of the Zodiac on them should not be worn, even if one does not believe in them. They are part and parcel of a fabricated system which propagates Kufr and should be done away with entirely. No believing Muslim should ask another what his sign is, or attempt to guess

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