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My old BOS, which is a cheap notebook I got years ago, when I first started studying witchcraft. I still use it a lot, especially as a reference to my new BOS, which you can see on the next video: SUBSCRIBE TO READ FIND MORE
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@101pandafreak Hi, I have a great blessing for BOS but it can be used for tools as well.
and your comment actually gave me the idea to make a video about it. I will try to make it soon and let you know.
thanks for the inspiration. Blessed be
did you cleanse it before you wrote in it???
i did myne
@ChouLian23 Hi there, thanks for sharing. Glad you like my BOS, please have a look on my page as I have a playlist showing my other BOS and some other tips that you may like.
bless be!
my first BOS is going to be a composition book (I love those notebooks) it has a faux leather spine and I’m covering the cover with black paper…simple and chic for me!
I love your notebook!
@TheNecromancer246 Hi there, thanks for sharing, your comment is much appreciated. good that you can carry your BOS around. I too keep small journals with me sometimes for when I walking about. never know what you may find or want to record.
hehe,you tape different species of plants in yours too,huh? i do that all the time.i have diabetes,so i gotta carry my meds around wit me in this kit thing.i just put my bos in the bottom of it and it makes it alot easier to bring it with me without anyone seein it and having to answer questions about it,mainly from my when i go outside ill have it,so if i find things like plants and feathers i can put it into it and tape it into my bos later.and thats a very nice bos ya got there:)
@Xelement18 Ever read any of Scott Cunningham’s work? His books are evidence (to me anyway) that elements, magic and spells go together. And it all comes from the Earth! Ever “Raised energy” for any intention, or felt it?:)
@izzyjessbell I like that youre doing a lot of research for your BOS. Thats exactly what im doing…for my FIRST one. Going on my second binder of work. Plus, keeping a Diary/spellbook. I havent created my official BOS only because I want THE one.
its easy, just takes some time, but its very useful to keep. have a look at my other videos about BOS for some more ideas.
I Would Love To Do Something Like That
where can i get a book like this?
I’m looking for a book of shadow!
Very cool, where cna i get one like this?
love your book
my writing is bad so I typed mine
but hand written is best
it is kool
holy crap u wrote ur book awsome it makes it well more bonded lol, bb
thanks for your comment. I know what you mean. its a very special notebook for me, and it was my first one
I love this one. The whole random notebook has always appealed to me, since that’s what would have been kept in the old days.
I have to somewhat agree with P6jth…
One person’s interpretation of magic does not reflect everyone’s opinion. The interpretation of magic is a personal and individual one. It’s like asking someone’s idea on what thought is, or being. Everyone has different ideas on what they mean.
Please “Xelement18” don’t speak for me regarding magic. I know what it is, and don’t appreciate someone so closed in their thinking to speak on my behalf.
Second of all, I think it’s obvious that you don’t have the slighest idea of what “magic” is, so I suggest that you properly research it before running your disgusting bigot mouth.
Alright, “Xelement18”. I have several points to make to you, so try to understand me (as difficult as this may be due to the fact that you have a close-minded little pea brain). First off, who the fuck are you to be telling someone that what they believe in is not “real” or that it has no “power”.
probably shouldn’t.
well, that news for me, but very interesting stuff. I do beleive in finding balance with the elements, but never considered going beyond my own being. maybe you can post a video about that subject. im sure others will appreciate this idea too.
you know how to use them… i dont meen just going out side, sitting near water and rocks and becoming”one” withthe elements.. there is something else we can do, something that lets us be the elements. you know how they say humans have some form of fire within them? well it’s not just our body’s organs making heat. we can make fire, control it. all we have to do is consentrate.. this is not magic, it is really cause i’ve seen it. there is a man out there who is conected to lightning. cool huh?
helo there Xelement18
I do enjoy meditating with the elements, I find a connection with the source, or divinity. or mother nature and so on.
thanks for you comment.
it is not powerfull if you use it as a tool. the word magic or magik means nothing, it is nothing. it is a fairy tell power. not real. look more into the elements, not liek some kind of spell or book. all you have to do is listen… some day you might here the elements speak to you.. just trust me, it’s not hard to hear. if you think i’m crazy, you can use the word meditation
magic is just one of the names for it. people like to think they can’t control, but it it only in a certain few. people are born with it, they can not aquire it…the power lies within the elements, each of the four elements fire wind earth a water. some of us have a conection to eather on two, or if you can even find the one that is, all four. i won’t tell you anymore about tis because you wouldn’t understand if i tried. you would try, but you won’t be able to.