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Official video for “Crystal” by New Order. The video does not feature New Order; instead, it depicts a younger band miming to New Order’s music and words. The fictional band is named “The Killers” (the name appears on the bass drum in the video). This name later inspired the real band of the same name, who lifted a number of elements of the layout of the set in the “Crystal” video for the their own video “Somebody Told Me”. –Wikipedia

25 Responses to New Order – Crystal

  • mcorco2 says:

    @xWishYouWerentHerex Its New Order’s Crystal music video… in the music video it shows a fictitious band performing(lipsyncing) the song, but its most definitely New Order.

  • kheperbleu says:

    @xWishYouWerentHerex this in not new order, new order has been around since like 1980… if you want to see what they look like look up the video for ceremony (live at finsbury park) brilliant band they are. my favourite

  • jhnbalance says:

    this is great .isnt it . after so many years and they still make such great songs . i even think they get better . they are everlasting !

  • ShinigamiZ6 says:

    Look at the words on the drums. Familiar?

    The Killers got their name from this music video. The Lead Singer was a major fan of New Order.

  • dpcf2413 says:

    139 dumbasses missed the like button

  • tietensex says:

    take some l-tyrosine and listen again

  • SantiLon14 says:

    This is a fictional band, so the people pretend to be the actual band, but they’re not. And this is where the Killers got their name :DDDD

  • AyahuaskaPop says:

    Ke buena canción…

  • xWishYouWerentHerex says:

    ok, can someone confirm please? the band in this is NOT New Order (looks nothing like and ive read the first page of comments, but, as per usual, remain confuzzled)

    who are they? theyre look interesting/awesome 🙂

  • evilsnakes1 says:

    concept? ummm, what concept? not them? wow, amazing, never seen that before.

  • qwertyuiop78945612 says:

    The actor-singer has got some moves

  • doktorgriff says:

    Vid reminds me of “Boys don’t cry” by The Cure, having youngsters taking the role of the band.

  • Ramblebar says:

    @canuck21 This song and also this album is probably on par with lots of their stuff from the eighties,Let’s go is an awesome album just listen to the who album all the way through,you won’t be disappointed!!!

  • bluespaceships00 says:

    how does this new generationf orget about this lady gaga can go suck it

  • cregan4584 says:

    such a good song

  • 1Cosmicmonkey says:

    What? Incurable venerial disease? ;P Just jibing ya – peace! 🙂

  • tufosanta says:

    @rizer80 this music was actually one of the final limps of good music on such times where the music has been ruined long time ago

  • charly9927 says:

    @hangikjet well said and I agree 100%!

  • startwiththeballs says:

    @rizer80, right on

  • BongoQuark says:

    ” Here comes love, it’s like honey /
    You can’t buy it with money . . . ”

    As much as I respect anyones opinion and veiw point I have to wholeheartedly disagree with the above sentiment.
    I have bought the aforementioned honey with the coin of the realm on more occassions than I can remember.
    I have receipts to prove it.


  • canuck21 says:

    @KateLicker New Order is one of the most influential bands in the history of popular music but which few people know. They never invented anything but they were pioneers. They were among the first to mix post-punk with electronic music. Three of the four band members were previously part of Joy Division, THE post-punk band and again one of the most influential bands in popular music history. Think about it, two highly regarded influential bands. That doesn’t happen often.

  • canuck21 says:

    @UprisingBliss New Order fans don’t consider this song among their best. This is not bad but their songs from the ’80s were so much superior. To think that this is one of the greatest songs of the 2000s, todays music must REALLY sucks.

  • NEEJER says:

    Too true my man…somethings gone the shape of the pear

  • UprisingBliss says:

    i discovered this song after finding out The Killers got their name from it too. it also inspired their video for ‘Somebody Told Me’.
    but im here to talk about this song and video- the video matches the song so well. this is one of my favourite songs and i think its one of the greatest of the 2000’s.
    i agree, what has happened to the music these days?!

  • TheDallyLama says:

    @steave707 thats pretty sad lol

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