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do not work at all and there are some very scientific reasons why they do not work. Discover what the problem with them is and why hand exercises actually do get results.

There has been a long standing myth that masturbation can have a direct effect on penis growth when using exercises to enlarge the penis. Many men who start penis exercises become easily confused as to how much or how often you can masturbate or have sex. The truth is that it’s never really explained fully or implemented into a schedule that understands that men DO masturbate. This article is designed to clear up this confusion and explain whether not masturbation can affect your penis growth.

Most men are simply unhappy with what they have been given with regards to their penis and since time began men have been searching for ways to make their penis bigger naturally. When it comes to the word natural there are a few varying interpretations as to what it is to make your penis bigger naturally.

Most if not all of the penis growth pills you can find sold on the web have one thing in common – their bold claims. Many preach using only 100 natural ingredients or herbal products to ensure a safe and natural growth process. But if you look closer none of them are even approved for safe consumption by the FDA!

There are some natural ways to help you get a longer and bigger penis. These natural methods include penis exercises and traction device. Furthermore natural pills and patches can enhance the effect of these methods and speed up the growth process.

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