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Newspaper Printing Digital Proofing System, Boosting The Third Revolution

?? Remember buying printing digital proofing system, the People’s Daily

With the domestic requirements of rapidly improving print quality, customer newspapers, magazines, color requirements are also more specific, more stringent, the People’s Daily printing in the study of domestic and foreign manufacturers over digital proofing program later, after more than three years of careful and rigorous study of the software trial, finally finds the high operation Blackmagic + Epson Stylus Pro 10600 + Epson Stylus Pro 7600 a total solution.

  Has a long history as an old factory, printing the Daily purchasing digital proofing device in the course of which feel and experience? To find out, I visited the People’s Daily special printing, hospitality is our assistant director Mr. Zhang Xuefu. Face the author’s question, Zhang Director eloquent.

Technological change, the old printing factory baptism

People’s Daily has been printing is an old factory 50 years of history. In the meantime, People’s Daily printing developed rapidly, its production output value of the press in Beijing, can be regarded as outstanding. According to Mr. Zhang Xuefu introduced “People’s Daily printing output in recent years opened more than 2 billion pairs of output value in billion yuan.” Designated as the country’s books and printing, the People’s Daily newspaper printing for a hundred and ten species of dozens of print publications business, including “Renmin Ribao” published in the newspaper: “People’s Daily”, “Market News”, “Global Times”, “Health Times”, “Securities Times” and “People’s Daily Overseas Edition,” and so on, and some social printing business, such as “Beijing Evening News,” “Beijing Morning Post”, “Shopping Guide” and so on. People’s Daily has many advanced printing equipment, from pre-press laser imagesetter, CTP platesetter, to the printing press rotary offset printing presses, commercial web offset press, the platform offset and so on. According to statistics, of various types of large and small presses together about 30 sets.

Mr. Zhang Xuefu introduced to the director of the People’s Daily printing on down to ordinary workers, pay great attention to technology and development, technological transformation of the factory cost of a year spent considerably. Can be said that each industry’s technology revolution, the People’s Daily are ahead for the printing. From the 20th century, since the early 80s, the People’s Daily printing has undergone 3 technological change. The first change occurred in the 20th century, late 80s, get rid of the “lead and fire,” as the type for the typesetting; in 1993 for the second time of technological innovation?? Letterpress printing to offset printing. The second technical innovation project then won the second prize of national technological progress; With the rapid development of digital printing, printing in 2001, the People’s Daily carried a third change in production processes and management processes introduced in the first CTP to-plate system and ERP management system.

More than select the “real thing”

About purchasing digital proofing to promote People’s Daily Reasons printing when Mr. Zhang Xuefu on the pros and cons of traditional and digital proofing a brief analysis: “Compared with digital proofing, conventional proofing time-consuming, power consuming, labor-intensive, has can not be made to meet customer demand for short-term sampling. At the same time as the development of laser typesetting, users will no longer provide film and PS version, offering more and more electronic documents, it requires us to go digital proofing to keep up. “

For digital proofing system, the People’s Daily printing concern for a very long time, had a number of hardware and software products have been in comparison. Mr. Zhang Xuefu said, “We looked at some of the system, but after use, it is found in the color reproduction of these systems, hybrid networks are forming and the output quality of some problems. To this end, we quite a headache until we ‘encounter ‘the Blackmagic color management software and EpsonStylus Pro 10600 and Epson Stylus Pro7600 this solution. “At present, the People’s Daily printing color management software while using Blackmagic drive two printers, one for the EpsonStylus Pro 10600 large format printer, one for the Epson Stylus Pro7600 printer off format. Blackmagic digital proofing color management software, widely praised by the industry, its latest version 3.0 of the new interface and features, and replace the existing ICC color technology, real network technology, “a RIP, multiple output” and the remote control of the core technical foundation proofing adds many new features and extended functionality, unmatched technological advantage. EpsonStylus Pro10600 Epson large format inkjet printers as the flagship product, is widely used in newsprint proofing work in print quality and print cost control has been free. EpsonStylus Pro7600 Large Format Color Inkjet Printer, bright colors such as bronze is more flexible and used pieces of paper and other commercial activities. The system not only solved the pre-trial digital proofing of other problems in the application level printing more fit the actual situation in the People’s Daily.

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