beginning of the nitrogenic reference point of what actually makes you who you are. Not only does the intricate networking of the gigantic chemically electrical hormonal osmotic fluid processing plant [known casually as your human body] comprise your existence but every existing apparatus {organic and inorganic} that has ever passed your way in the external world before you were born, while you inhabit the earth and after you’re gone, has had/ will have and unceasingly shall continue to play a significant role in developing of your matchless contribution on earth.
You are part of a fathomless whole! The mind boggling things you are capable of implementing can not be written in words of any language. YOU are nothing short of miraculous! If you can but stop for one moment to realize that when you were first conceived, the spark of your life was invisible transported (transfigured) into visibility from a minuscule pin head dot into the fully formed person you are today; how can you ever doubt your adaptabilities in any situation no matter how difficult? You were magically transformed from nothing into something! Wow! Just think about it. It all began with a meeting of two energies: yours mingled with and manufactured by the universal divine brought about through the process of human interaction. Can you get with that? Can you envision the magnitude of your sacred ability encased in your exceptional presence on earth?
Each and every existing consecrated aspect visible and invisible in this world, among these galaxies and other dominions of galaxies, throughout all universes and beyond, throughout time and space as we understand its relevance brought you into being. You are a product of all that has ever been or ever will be. The