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Question by GreenEyedLilo: Non-Christians, do you ever like songs with Christian lyrics?
I’m Pagan, yet I’m addicted to Johnny Cash’s “God’s Gonna Cut You Down.” I’m even practicing belly-dancing moves to it, because the rhythm’s so awesome.

I’m also liking Sinead O’Connor’s songs inspired by the Bible, for her upcoming “Theology” CD.

Now, I’d listen to Johnny’s or Sinead’s voicemail messages if they were released on CD, but it still seems a bit odd to me that I like these songs.

Do any other non-Christians here ever enjoy songs with blatantly Christian lyrics? If so, what distinguishes them from annoying Christian songs, and what do you think you like about the ones you enjoy?

Best answer:

Answer by TuRbO
No. I listen to Slayer and Iron Maiden.

What do you think? Answer below!

17 Responses to Non-Christians, do you ever like songs with Christian lyrics?

  • nebtet says:

    yeah. there’s an old Dooby Brothers song i still kinda like.

    “Jesus is just alright with me! Jesus is just alright. oh yeah!”

  • Broken_upon_wheels says:

    I like Cash’s” Cocaine blues”,but I’m not a gospel man myself.

  • santacruzhippie says:

    no=but just because i cant relate

  • lady_s_hazy says:

    I love Johnny cash! And I like ‘Hands’ by Jewel, its so sweet and lovely. And reggae, definitely.
    I like anything that is not in-your-face Christianity. If it’s preaching love for mankind I am fine with that, I think everyone should try to love one another, Christian or not.

  • ? music girl ? says:

    Hmm. Well, I like “Awesome God”. Always have. And Michael W Smiths, “Friends,” is a favorite from when I was a kid. Johnny Cash’s cover of Hurt had Christian themes in the video concept, and I loved the song and the video as well.

    There’s a lot of hymns I like. It is Well With my Soul is my favorite.

    But most of the contemporary Christian pop… didn’t do anything for me when I was a Christian even. Why? Well often, it’s a musical thing. They are unoriginal in both lyrics and composition in my opinion.

  • t_a_m_i_l says:

    Good question. It depends on where a person is at in faith. If one has rebelled in that area or not.

    My husband (unbeliever) will not let me play Christian lyrics around him, or Christian tapes, or Christian TV, or let me read to him out of a Christian book. He has listened to some rarely, but it is very difficult for him. Of course, when he is drunk, will play demonic music loudly all night, in hopes I have to listen to it.

  • lateralus says:

    I like some of Johnny Cash’s music thats about it. I like stuff like Tool and Godsmack, A Perfect Circle,

  • Angel Of Death says:

    I don’t know if I’d refer to it as Christian lyrics but it has a Christian symbol in it,the song I’m addicted to is Angel by Sarah McLaughlin. And Johnny Cash is the man so anything he does is awesome,like the remakes he made of some rock songs by nine inch nails,soundgarden and a couple others.

  • Bran McMuffin says:

    There are some songs that I like with Christian lyrics, and I agree with you about Johnny Cash. I feel his references are an extension of who he is as a person and not some cheap preachy bs that you find in most Christian rock music.

    I think the key for me is that the spiritual references should serve to help the song be more compelling rather than the otherway around.

  • Chris J says:

    Yes, in fact, Johnny Cash is one of my favorites, even though I’m atheist. What distinguishes him, is that he also has a lot of sinister music and the music itself is much better than church hymn crap or anything that you’d hear on christian radio.

  • DudeDude says:

    I would be considered a pagan, but I love some Christian music. I don’t understand how anyone could not like Amazing Grace. Its just a good song, whatever your religious inclinations. Growing up in a Black community has definitely fueled my love of Christian music. I just don’t like to be preached at in a song. Hellfire and brimstone do not add beauty to lyrics. Love, Grace, and Patience do.

  • gratvol says:

    Johnny Cash is great but he is a rare exception in Christian music heck I barely listen to Jewish music

  • wyvern1313 says:

    Are you kidding? Have you ever heard “The Wanderer” by U2? Johnny Cash actually sang that for him. It’s FANTASTIC. And I’m a HUGE U2 fan, and they have tons of “God” songs, and I really, really love them anyway. One song off of their album “Pop” is called “If God Will Send His Angels” and it’s really a beautiful song.

    I think what distinguishes them from other annoying Christian songs is that they just “are”. They’re expressing a faith that the group holds, but they’re not trying to convert anyone, and there’s no mention of “Oh yeah, praise Jesus everyone, isn’t the Lord great?” It’s more a recognition of what life actually is. “If God Would Send His Angels” is actually very much a feeling of being all alone – really refreshing to hear a group that almost became born agains and gave up rock and roll for the church singing “God’s got his phone off the hook, babe, would he even pick up, if he could? It’s been a while since we saw that child hangin’ ’round this neighborhood.”

  • Rob B says:

    I was raised in a Christian household, but I stopped believing long ago. I still like a good spiritual, hymn or Christmas carol. I like them because of the familiar and comforting associations they bring to mind and because I appreciate them as art forms.

    Religious music is a big part of our cultural heritage, even if we aren’t religious. That’s why public high school choirs study and perform African American spirituals and ancient Catholic masses – because of their historical significance and artistic beauty. There’s no reason that more modern religious songs shouldn’t also be appreciated for their artistic qualities by non-Christians.

  • JAT says:

    From a non-believer:
    I’m very fond of the religious music by Bach, Mozart, Haydn,
    Schubert, to name a few “classical” composers. But American gospel & “church hymns” can also move me.
    They are musically beautiful and evocative. Many of them speak to our yearnings for peace, love and essential humanity.

    Obviously, songs that are just ground out for religious consumption, with no musicality, leave me cold. On the other hand, even non-religious music that has no musical quality turns me off too.

  • Tirya says:

    Usually the Christian songs I like are Christmas carols. “O Holy Night” when sung by a massed choir is just marvelous.

  • carychrysler says:

    Fascinating. I like to hear Amazing Grace, particularly sung by Elvis; also on the bagpipes…even though I still cringe at the horrible lyric: “…a wretch like me…” what God creates can never be wretched, only blessed. Good luck with the belly-dancing. Peace.

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