Dude i swear this was probably the ONLY thing that scared me.
I just find that becuz i watched a bunch of scary movies i figured it wouldnt be as scary. I proved myself wrong.
Asian horror movies are truly are masterpiece -shivers-
I still get nightmares off that and i seen that last year
Imo, there are E.T life but not as popular culture shows it, as Carl Sagan once said, demons and aliens are just adaptations to fulfill our human need for the unknown misteries of life, like our purpose and destiny, aliens with spaceships are the modern era adaptation of these needs and cultures.
but as i said, that just my opinion.
@joaoluizsn I agree with you, I believe Kagutaba is in fact a demon. But someone else in the comments stated that he/she thought Kagutaba was an alien. I was just speculating that if Kagutaba WERE an alien, it could have been mistaken for a demon. People back in ancient times didn’t believe in aliens, just spirits and demons. So if they were to encounter a malevolent force that wasn’t from this world, it would only be natural for them to label it as a “demon” or something of the like.
there’s no such thing as aliens on this movie,
the stuff around Kana on the forest at night are dead fetuses, that she’s feeding on…
and i believe Kagutaba is a demon, and the crazy people are just psychichs under his influence after the rituals to ease him stoped.
While I thoroughly enjoyed this film, I look back and realize it was much more lacking in that creepy haunting mood in some of the other Japanese films. It was a film based off making you wonder what is going on with a few spooks here and there to keep you on the edge of your seat with an ending that just leaves you going wtf? The ending isnt overall scary as it is just disturbing.
Best Part is the documentary with the creepy man in the back.
@speedtypermananswer Well, I guess Kagutaba could be an alien. In the film it is stated that he is an ancient demon, but in many cases extra terrestrial beings can be mistaken as demons. So maybe he is actually an alien that arrived in Japan thousands of years ago and continues living in an alternate dimension (that old shrine in the village could be the gateway), using his “mind control ability” to manipulate people in the real world as he pleases. This is just a theory, of course.
I mean his face does look like an alien face and I thought those people who were cursed are the people who got infected by ectoplasmic worms. and I thought those were some kind of alien invasion. if I hadn’t expected kabutaba to be an alien while watching this movie for first time, I would have liked this movie. but my expectations didn’t came so I was a little disappointing for me but clearly it’s my fault
I thought kabutaba was some kind of an alien with mind control ability. But it was never confirmed which was a little disappointing. It’s not really a good movie but if you like movies blair witch you will like this one.
2) It began to crawl towards me and said in a horrifyingly deep and shrill voice “come to me, come into me!!”
I woke up screaming, with my heart pounding and my body covered in sweat. No doubt this monster was the “Kagutaba” in this film. I don’t think I’ve ever had such a terrifying nightmare in recent memory. When I saw this movie I liked it, but I didn’t think it was that scary. But something about it must’ve gotten to me cuz I had this vivid nightmare. I still shiver thinking about it :/
1) The other night I had a dream that I was in this old Japanese village, and me and all these villagers were standing around in a circle staring at the ground in front of us. Suddenly the sky went black and people started screaming and running away like crazy. Some old lady yelled “He’s risen, he’s risen again!” I couldn’t move and I stood there as the ground before me cracked open and and a blood-soaked demon with huge black eyes and a horn on its head pulled itself out of the dark abyss.
@Lastlegionstanding LOL, looks like I hit some nerve with that comment
Keep jumping to ridiculous conclusions pal, it makes you look even more of an ass
enjoy watching the complete edition with this kind of motion picture in a=v=a=t=z.net remove =
Dude i swear this was probably the ONLY thing that scared me.
I just find that becuz i watched a bunch of scary movies i figured it wouldnt be as scary. I proved myself wrong.
Asian horror movies are truly are masterpiece -shivers-
I still get nightmares off that and i seen that last year
@RogeIio >implying that you have had sex in the past 2 years or ever
im willing to give up sex for a week? c:
no it looks too scary
babeh lets watch it!
I just watched it.
It is seriusly the creepiest film ever.
I Cant sleep and i am 21! ( And Male )
good trailer, they shouldnt use the things themesong tho.. just sayin
@joaoluizsn Exactly. I’m not saying I believe in demons or aliens. I’m just speaking strictly in context of the film.
Imo, there are E.T life but not as popular culture shows it, as Carl Sagan once said, demons and aliens are just adaptations to fulfill our human need for the unknown misteries of life, like our purpose and destiny, aliens with spaceships are the modern era adaptation of these needs and cultures.
but as i said, that just my opinion.
@joaoluizsn I agree with you, I believe Kagutaba is in fact a demon. But someone else in the comments stated that he/she thought Kagutaba was an alien. I was just speculating that if Kagutaba WERE an alien, it could have been mistaken for a demon. People back in ancient times didn’t believe in aliens, just spirits and demons. So if they were to encounter a malevolent force that wasn’t from this world, it would only be natural for them to label it as a “demon” or something of the like.
An acient force, maybe a demon, it was necessary a very specific ritual to ease him but after his shrine was destroied he began to wreck havok.
there’s no such thing as aliens on this movie,
the stuff around Kana on the forest at night are dead fetuses, that she’s feeding on…
and i believe Kagutaba is a demon, and the crazy people are just psychichs under his influence after the rituals to ease him stoped.
wow that was unsettling wow uhm yeah this would not be good if the usa remade this
a really existed curse
i thought this movie is real documentary when i first watched it
very creepy
A really existed curse.
While I thoroughly enjoyed this film, I look back and realize it was much more lacking in that creepy haunting mood in some of the other Japanese films. It was a film based off making you wonder what is going on with a few spooks here and there to keep you on the edge of your seat with an ending that just leaves you going wtf? The ending isnt overall scary as it is just disturbing.
Best Part is the documentary with the creepy man in the back.
@speedtypermananswer Well, I guess Kagutaba could be an alien. In the film it is stated that he is an ancient demon, but in many cases extra terrestrial beings can be mistaken as demons. So maybe he is actually an alien that arrived in Japan thousands of years ago and continues living in an alternate dimension (that old shrine in the village could be the gateway), using his “mind control ability” to manipulate people in the real world as he pleases. This is just a theory, of course.
I mean his face does look like an alien face and I thought those people who were cursed are the people who got infected by ectoplasmic worms. and I thought those were some kind of alien invasion. if I hadn’t expected kabutaba to be an alien while watching this movie for first time, I would have liked this movie. but my expectations didn’t came so I was a little disappointing for me but clearly it’s my fault
I thought kabutaba was some kind of an alien with mind control ability. But it was never confirmed which was a little disappointing. It’s not really a good movie but if you like movies blair witch you will like this one.
2) It began to crawl towards me and said in a horrifyingly deep and shrill voice “come to me, come into me!!”
I woke up screaming, with my heart pounding and my body covered in sweat. No doubt this monster was the “Kagutaba” in this film. I don’t think I’ve ever had such a terrifying nightmare in recent memory. When I saw this movie I liked it, but I didn’t think it was that scary. But something about it must’ve gotten to me cuz I had this vivid nightmare. I still shiver thinking about it :/
1) The other night I had a dream that I was in this old Japanese village, and me and all these villagers were standing around in a circle staring at the ground in front of us. Suddenly the sky went black and people started screaming and running away like crazy. Some old lady yelled “He’s risen, he’s risen again!” I couldn’t move and I stood there as the ground before me cracked open and and a blood-soaked demon with huge black eyes and a horn on its head pulled itself out of the dark abyss.
@Lastlegionstanding LOL, looks like I hit some nerve with that comment
Keep jumping to ridiculous conclusions pal, it makes you look even more of an ass
Oh god, you can’t be serious with that comment. Jesus Christ to you too. I was fuckin’ Ironic you dumb piece of shit.