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Question by The Iron fist of justice: Wolf: Norse Heathens,Pagans and Atheists a quick question if you don’t mind.?
has anyone else ran into christian extremists who have made up unlikely stories to try and prove there point? I’ve met Christians who said they were once Nordic as well yet could not tell me a damn thing about it or christian extremist who have o so conveniently been Atheists or Wiccan. not to mention I’ve heard stories on here about pagans that even I found hard to swallow one person even said he lived in a house with 5 Wiccan families and they let their children have sex and promoted incest and **** like that. am I the only one who has come across things like this? does anyone else think that those kind of things are most likely lies meant to try and prove the Christians point?

Best answer:

Answer by Rogelio teh Scary Feesh
It’s called lying for Jesus.

It’s rather widespread, morally deplorable, and honestly just annoying as hell.

Give your answer to this question below!

10 Responses to Norse Heathens,Pagans and Atheists a quick question if you don’t mind.?

  • psymistress says:

    Thankfully I have never come across someone like that because I don’t think my answers to them would remain on the forum for long. I have met people in other walks of life that have made things up to sell their point however and they are extremely annoying to say the least. )O(

  • MSB says:

    Yeah, I’ve met people who claimed the were Wiccans.

    Then they go on to tell me about how they were into dark stuff, Satanic worship, cult orgies, black magic etc… and that their lives are so much better now as Christians.

    And I know they are full of BS because I’ve been a Wiccan for 18 years– and I began practicing Wicca as an adult, not a child. I’ve been in a coven, I’ve been invited to rituals of other groups, I’ve gone to big festivals in different states.

    These things just don’t take place– they are certainly not something you run across as a Wiccan.

    Conversion tactics. What are you gonna do?

  • Cheez says:

    I’ve never run into anyone like this, thank goodness. I would rage. I don’t mind being preached to, but lied to? Oh no.

  • Butch Vlad - Heathen JPA says:

    response: absolutely! I’ve seen so-called ex-witches, ex-Wiccans, ex-pagans that haven’t a clue about paganism. What they try and sell is the old accusations from the 1980s that were discredited long ago – drugs, orgies, baby sacrifice and other such nonsense.

    They’re pathetic.

  • Amy says:

    It sounds like things they believe but have no basis for. Apparently lying for the purpose of conversion is something like a cop lying to get a confession.

    I have never run into this at all but then I have rarely run into extremists. It’s never worth having a dialog w/ them because they are too trapped by their own world view. Consequently I never respond to any of their emails. It’s just not worth the time and effort.

  • harpertara says:

    While I have never run across this personally, I can totally believe some ‘born agains’ would try something like that. Yes, these things are lies, propaganda to try to get you to come away from the ‘dark side’ as they think of it. If a Christian ever tells you they were ‘Nordic’ once,try looking and them seriously and saying, “Oh, and how did you become not Nordic? I didn’t know blood transfusions could take out genealogical traits.” Since they obviously don’t know the correct word for Norse beliefs or they would use it.

  • MissDementia says:

    Blessed Oðinn’s Beard, I HAVE! Between the flat out lying and the fear tactics some employ I have to wonder why anyone would see that and take it as a positive character trait to the point they convert to christianity. It obviously works to a point or they simply wouldn’t do such things. I have friends of many faiths including christian, muslim, pagan, Satanists (various types), atheists, etc. I can’t picture a single one of them lacking Honor to the point they would do such a thing. That’s why we’re friends. They actually have a sense of Honor.

    I despise anyone who lies about matters of faith. If you are so weak of faith you must lie to try to get other people to agree with you through lies and/or fear tactics and misrepresentation of other faiths, you probably shouldn’t claim that faith as you obviously have none. They “prove” nothing with such behavior other than their own insecurity and ignorance of other faiths and cultures.

    Think about it for a moment. When is the last time a Heathen or Pagan actually tried to convert someone? We don’t. Yet our numbers are growing. People aren’t coming to our respective faith paths out of fear or because we’re out Edda thumping – they’re coming to our respective faith paths because they found out what we stand for! Honor, Self Sufficiency, Industriousness, Hospitality, etc, etc. They like the value we place on our Kin, both blood bonded and not. They like that we have a good relationship with our deities rather than one based on reward and punishment. They like that we are strong within ourselves and do not grovel before anyone, man or deity. That is not our purpose in this life.

    It would seem to me that the purpose of those christians who do such things as you have described are not only extremely weak in the faith they now profess but it is also to scoop up young, confused people, not those that are sincere in the faith. I think we all know how people who are not sincere in the “other” faiths are viewed by those of us who ARE sincere in those faiths. I don’t think the word “disdain” is even remotely close enough.

  • ?açade says:

    I have never run across an extremist like that. Almost all of the Judeo-Christians I have encountered were polite, friendly people. Perhaps it is regional. I did met a JC once who thought that a Wiccan pentagram was somehow ‘satanic’, but that was just a case of being misinformed. That same JC then wanted to talk about a ‘devil’, but he knew even less about the Bible then I did. Still, even he was not an extremist liar and a fraud of the kind you describe.

    “Edda Thumping” — LOL!

  • Kirra Blackhart says:

    Yes, there are quite a few “Wiccan turned Christian” authors out there making a lot of money based on this type of crap.

  • Yam says:

    Yes, my family perfectly matches your description. I am a Pagan, and I can’t do a single thing without being bible-bashed and receiving a hour long lecture on the ‘love’ of Jesus Christ.

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