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Not in the Bible But in the Quran; Abraham and His Pagan Father (4)

Abraham’s father was Pagan. He took idols for gods. Abraham was very afraid because he knows the fate of the unbelievers; it is the forever punishment in eternal Hell! Abraham did his best to convince his father to stop his manifest error. Abraham talked to his father many time about worshipping the lord of the worlds. His father never listens; instead he warned Abraham to stop talking bad about his idols gods or he will stone Abraham! Abraham was very upset because his father will eventually go to hell!

Abraham called upon the lord to forgive his father,

Allah taught Abraham that anyone who does not worship Him is belonged to the Satan’s party and hence he is an enemy of the lord of the worlds, the Creator of everything! When Abraham has realized that his father is an enemy of Allah, he dissociated himself from him.

This story indicates that Allah is not interested with blood, race, color, genealogy of the man but He is interested about what is inside the man’s heart, his faith! The Law is that the unbeliever will go to hell whoever he is even if he is Abraham’s father!

This Story is not present in the Bible!


This story of Abraham and his Pagan Father is mentioned in many chapters in the Quran, sometimes in short and/or in some details.

The smart readers are invited to read this interested story.

Abraham’s father (his name is Azar while it is Terah in the Bible!) took idols for gods

Surah (chapter) 6:74

Lo! When Abraham said to his father Azar: ‘will you take idols for gods; surely I see you and your people are in clear and manifest error. ‘


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