Numerology in Tarot
Numerology is the ancient science of names and numbers. Being one of the oldest sciences, it is a companion to astrology and the Tarot. Understanding the meaning of numbers in Tarot allows us to:
Understand relationships Analyze human qualities Awaken spiritual awareness Predict the timing of events
All cards in the Tarot Deck are numbered. The meanings of numbers 0 – 10 attributed to the Tarot cards are derived from ancient numerology principles. Zero being the ‘numberless number’. In metaphysics, there are no accidents, so the card you draw and the number on the card have a specific message for you.
In the West, numerology goes back to the philosophy of the Greek thinker Pythagoras who believed that reality can ultimately be expressed in numerical terms. Odd numbers are usually regarded as forceful, Yang, or “Masculine” energy and Even numbers as stabilizing, Yin, or “Feminine” energy.
In tarot card readings, numbers 1, 2, 3 denote the beginning of a cycle while numbers 7,8,9, denote the end of a cycle. Numbers 4, 5, 6, on the other hand, are mid-cycle numbers.
What’s behind the numbers?
Date of Birth number
Your day of birth number gives an indication of your basic nature & point of view. This number is simply the number of the day of your birth without the month or year. Any 2 digit date is added and reduced to a single digit number. Example, if you are born on 24th day of the month, this number is reduced to a single digit by adding its parts: 2+4= 6.
Hence, the Birth date number is 6.
Now that you all know your birth number, lets us examine their basic meaning and message:
1 – Courage,
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