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Throughout history, people use all kinds of aids to ‘see’ into the future or to ‘see’ relationships. Various systems evolved for doing this. One of the more useful systems for visualizing relationships and events is to use Tarot cards. This is thanks to the over-arcing details that can be turned into visual aids. Love and hate, life and death, wealth and poverty, power and weakness. Of course, the cards are not magical, it is the mental process that is so wonderful. The human brain lights up was it contemplates pictures and we strive to see connections between things that are visual for humans are very visual creatures who see color as vividly as birds or bees [heh] except we can’t see ultraviolet like the bees…. Every once and a while, I do Tarot card readings for my own edification. It is a springboard. Tonight, I did a reading concerning Obama. It was most amusing to have the 2 of pentacles show up as his defining card. Ie: Change.

25 Responses to Obama Tarot Card Reading

  • manendane says:

    (Same) I was was wondering if you can do a tarot reading on me using my name just like how you done it with obama and any personal information you need from? me just message me.

  • devilsin88 says:

    i was was wondering if you can do a tarot reading on me using my name just like how you done it with obama and any personal information you need from me just message me. (Category-random)
    -Sopheak Uong-

  • Elliecute8 says:

    FUCK must oyu have the scary ass music! lol i want to hear what u have to say with out being creeped out by the music

  • Nesninja85 says:

    It’s a reflection of the mirror of the mind….

    I just had the mirror of my mind blown away.

  • elijahbox says:

    a reading is accurate not..i have accurate forecast about good or bad
    spiritual readings and the paranormal issues as well “the predictions will not change”

  • rubin3364 says:

    lol, god. What a joke.

  • yesitchris says:

    why would you care if you dont want any bible references…

  • yesitchris says:

    whose god are you talking about? cause if its my god, one day youll burn..

  • JLMINARD1 says:

    just filip the dawm cards over

  • Tarockspieler says:

    Tarot was made for card games. A real news video would tell the whole truth about tarot cards instead of having people believe they are always used for fortune telling

  • hjmndj says:

    True that. But sometimes there are those who actually CAN see into the future, but not to clear. If theres god ,then there has to be those who can predict the future.

  • jms61239 says:

    haha you are all faggots! this shit dont work! only god works 🙂

  • grimmenigma949 says:

    fuck your bitch ass bible ill do what i want your nazi fuck

  • grimmenigma949 says:

    no you cant

  • grimmenigma949 says:

    damn thats an ignorant comment

  • pspsychic says:

    very nice deck

  • Fuliginosus says:

    ARe you predicting assassination?!

    Can you identify the Hierophant?

  • ajaf2005 says:

    Fuck gods.

  • johntrevy says:

    can you show evidence (without using the bible) that tarot and witchcraft is demonic?

  • Dwayne31531 says:

    Very impressive reading andI love that BARBARA WALKER TAROT.. That deck is always good to tell it like it is. It always delivers, and yes it is a pagan tarot.

  • TheJoeyD27 says:

    so what you are saying is that his wife is going to be the one that ruins him? Wow

  • dendelionnum1 says:

    I LOVE YOUR ROOM!! especially the unicorn decor on the wall. it looks like a wizard room

  • cobaltandlies says:

    Tell your god to suck a fat one, My god is all forgiving and doesn’t punish people for a hobby. And btw, no where in the bible does it say “dont practice witchcraft” idiot. So shut up, and GO BLOW YOURSELF 😀

  • XP210 says:

    my friend is both wiccan and catholic so you can be both it’s your decision

  • jms61239 says:

    yes it does. tarotcard reading is very demonic. please dont. i warn you.

    in the bible it says “dont practice witchcraft”

    this is very much witchcraft.

    god bless 🙂

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