Here, allow me to explain. You need nothing to do this, you can use your hands and block to do this also. You see when you block you cast way faster, just duplicate about 300 potions of healing and magika, and you should be good, i got all my major skills (all spells casting + Alchemy) to 100 in just 1 day. Yes this really does work and even though Restoration is the hardest skill to get up it is still very easy to get up. I have many tutorials and the links are down at the bottom. Easy Acrobatics: Easy Light/Heavy Armor: Easy Blade, Blunt, Marksman, Hand To Hand: Easy Sneak:
Video Rating: 5 / 5
Best mage race is breton cuz they get 100% resistance to magic and then you choose birthsign of the apprentice cuz it gives you 100% weekness but you also get 100 extra sarting magic so the resist and and the weekness cancel out and you get an extra 100 magic to start with hope that helped
@ThemasaC OHHH….. Sry about all the comments… my computer lags..but still tell me the best race as a mage
What Race should i pick if i want to be an mage ?? The best one?? Plz reply..
What Race should i pick if i want to be an mage ?? The best one?? Plz reply..
What Race should i pick if i want to be an mage ?? The best one?? Plz reply..
What Race should i pick if i want to be an mage ?? The best one?? Plz reply..
im 25 and mine is 308^^
i trained my restoration by standing somewhere and selecting the weakest healing spel i could find, after that i just put a heavy object on my C button and started playing mariokart..
destruction was the hardest though, i actually had to pay attention to what i did.
its because he is a mage
how is your magicka 140 im level 18 and my magicka is 62??
destruction – damage health
can u tell me wat kind of spell that is plz