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Occult Magic Spellcasting and Wizards

A basic understanding of Magic Power can be described as a transfer of energy, similar to witchcraft . In knowing that, everyday we all create Magic Power, especially as we sleep. With every thought, action, and feeling we are transferring energy from one point to the next. The true occultist will recognize that everything is energy and we are all as one and part of the all there is. Now imagine if the mind was trained, disciplined, and focused to the point of enhancing these abilities and crystallizing that knowledge into our psyche, our civilization would be far more amazing an advanced.

The two classifications of occult Magic Power are termed as White Magic and Black Magic. The differences in these are obvious, as White Magic Wizards are oriented towards service to others while Black Magic Wizards are oriented towards service to self. The main factors that hinder the development of magical abilities are stress related issues, irregular breathing and the distractions of our current society. To know that there is one truth, one light, and one creator is of the utmost importance in advancing these abilities. To operate strictly from the ego and lust for control and power is the path of the Black Magic Wizard, selfishness. The White Magic Wizards only selfish state is that of becoming a beacon of light, and spiritual strength. The white wizard serves self less than others, and for this reason this path is most difficult especially in these times of global selfishness.

To have a philosophical based outlook on life and a comprehensive understanding of the law of karma is key in the focusing of these energies. In understanding the inter-connectedness of all things, the all there is grants you the power relevant to your intention and purpose. Knowledge of the auric fields of prana, and the power and balance of the chakras is what makes true White Magic Wizards or Black Magic Wizards. These energy centers of the etheric body are associated with the spiritual channels of the higher realms and the higher self. One is separate from their higher self until enlightenment is achieved. An enlightened wizard is of the highest order as their purpose is firm and unwavering. To encounter an enlightened Black Magic Wizard, depending on the situation, may be a very unpleasant encounter.

To become an “authentic” White Magic Wizard requires many virtues, and the requirements are specifically unique to the possessor of these energies. Truth is the foundation stone that binds the entire process together for there is nothing new under the sun, and to understand that grants a White or Black Magic Wizard the most desirable and attainable level of power. A focused and disciplined mind as well as love for the work is needed to be successful, no matter what path you choose. Rituals and mantras are the media through which magic is cast or manifested. We will not provide any of the known rituals and mantra for many reasons, the two most important being the thought and spirit forms connected to certain practices as well as the need for the magician to develop their own Magic Power. Symbols and items such as the pentagram and the Qabalistic tree of life are the most popular forms used in occult Magic Power presently, as well as throughout history

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